Centre for Internet & Society

The Project, one of the first in India, aims to examine 'attention' as a conduit for material and non-material transactions within and outside of game worlds. This includes the internal market in the game world as well as the secondary market which operates outside of the game world. The possibilities of transaction in 'attention currency' and the intricacies of the attention economy/gaming economy in the game world is explored through a series of posts. These Blog entries document the study made by Arun Menon.

Attentional Capital in Online Gaming : The Currency of Survival

This blog post by Arun Menon discusses the concepts of production, labour and race in virtual worlds and their influence on the production of attention as a currency. An attempt is made to locate attentional capital, attentional repositories and attention currencies within gaming to examine 'attention currencies and its trade and transactions in virtual worlds. A minimal collection of attention currencies are placed as central and as a pre-requisite for survival in MMOs in much the same way that real currency become a necessity for survival. The approach is to locate attentional capital through different perspectives as well as examine a few concepts around virtual worlds.

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The Attention Economy - A Brief Introduction

This post examines attention economy as a brief prelude to a paper and monograph to be published on it. It examines the current theses on attention economy and a few approaches to reading attention economy in gaming besides foregrounding the attention economy and its functions and influence in MMORPGs.

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India Game Developer Summit Bangalore 2010

Posted by Arun Menon at Mar 01, 2010 11:35 AM |

The India Game Developer Conference held at Nimhans Convention Centre on the 27th of February, 2010 was attended by Arun Menon who is working on The Gaming and Gold Project at The Centre for Internet and Society. The Developer forum brought together game developers from different sectors of the Game Production Cycle, with hardware manufacturers like Nvidia demonstrating their latest 3d technology and Software developers like Crytek and Adobe demonstrating the latest in developer tools for creating and editing games on multiple platforms.

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Narrative and Gameplay in Role Playing Games

Posted by Prasad Krishna at Feb 25, 2010 09:30 AM |
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Not all games tell stories but narratives, gameplay, and their relational attributes are a relevant shift observed in the gaming scene, Arun Menon finds out.

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The Elements of Role Playing Games

Posted by Arun Menon at Jan 29, 2010 12:25 PM |
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This article, the first in a three part series addresses the definitions of role-playing games (RPGs) and their elements, the integration of elements from other genres facilitating to what might lead to the hybridization of genres and the relation between online and offline games as well as solo gaming with respect to the ‘Alone Together’ phenomenon.

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Gaming and Gold - An Introduction

Posted by Arun Menon at Jan 20, 2010 06:15 PM |

Arun Menon in this first entry, provides a brief description of the area of study and the questions that need to be engaged with in the course of this study.

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