Centre for Internet & Society

The researchers@work programme at the Centre for Internet and Society produces and supports pioneering and sustained trans-disciplinary research on key thematics at the intersections of internet and society; organise and incubate networks of and fora for researchers and practitioners studying and making internet in India; and contribute to development of critical digital pedagogy, research methodology, and creative practice.


The researchers@work programme at the Centre for Internet and Society undertakes and supports research, incubation, and pedagogic works at the intersections of internet and society.

We take ‘internet’ as a shorthand for the unevenly implemented and governed global communication system that uses internet protocol suite (including TCP/IP and others) for networking devices and networks worldwide, and the ecosystem of socio-technological practices, institutions, and industries that constitute it.

We undertake grounded investigations and strategic interventions to document, analyse, and respond to transforming social realities and challenges emerging from entanglement of digital devices, data, and networks with various aspects of everyday lives.

We are interested in producing local and contextual accounts of interactions, negotiations, and resolutions between internet and digital technologies on one hand, and socio-material and geo-political structures on the other.


Our research engagements are structured through five clusters:


We recognise the urgent need do imagine and organise networks of people and groups toward forming enabling organisational structures and mobilising resources for practice-oriented research, archival, and creative works. We are committed to explore and realise possibilities of incubating new formations and practices of collaborative critical research, as well as strategic groupings to undertake applied research on urgent socio-technical concerns.


Questions of pedagogy in the digital era on one hand, and those of learning about the digital on the other, are of key interest to the researchers@work programme. Our pedagogic engagements have two focus areas:

  • Creating communities and fora for research and teaching about topics related to internet and digital media
  • Creating free, open, multilingual, and reusable resources for teaching and learning about such topics

Towards operationalising the first area of focus, we have initiated an annual conference series - titled Internet Researchers' Conference - to create an annual temporary space (across India) for internet researchers to gather and share their works and experiences. We have also launched a Medium-based blog - r@w blog - to serve as a publishing venue for short- and long-form reflections on internet and society, as well as of critical media works and recordings of presentations and discussions.


E-mail: raw@cis-india.org

Mailing List: researchers@cis-india.org