Centre for Internet & Society

ICANN takes one step forward in its human rights and accountability commitments

by Akriti Bopanna and Ephraim Percy Kenyanito

Akriti Bopanna and Ephraim Percy Kenyanito take a look at ICANN's Implementation Assessment Report for the Workstream 2 recommendations and break down the key human rights considerations in it. Akriti chairs the Cross Community Working Party on Human Rights at ICANN and Ephraim works on Human Rights and Business for Article 19, leading their ICANN engagement.

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In Twitter India’s Arbitrary Suspensions, a Question of What Constitutes a Public Space

by Torsha Sarkar

A discussion is underway about the way social media platforms may have to operate within the tenets of constitutional protections of free speech.

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A Deep Dive into Content Takedown Timeframes

by Torsha Sarkar

Since the 1990s, internet usage has seen a massive growth, facilitated in part, by growing importance of intermediaries, that act as gateways to the internet. Intermediaries such as Internet Service Providers (ISPs), web-hosting providers, social-media platforms and search engines provide key services which propel social, economic and political development. However, these developments are also offset by instances of users engaging with the platforms in an unlawful manner. The scale and openness of the internet makes regulating such behaviour challenging, and in turn pose several interrelated policy questions.

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Project on Gender, Health Communications and Online Activism with City University

by Ambika Tandon

CIS is a partner on the project 'Gender, Health Communications and Online Activism in the Digital Age'. The project is lead by Dr. Carolina Matos, Senior Lecturer in Sociology and Media in the Department of Sociology at City University.

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Cybersecurity Visuals Media Handbook: Launch Event

by Saumyaa Naidu

6th December | 6 pm | Centre for Internet and Society, Bangalore

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Draft Security Standards for The Financial Technology Sector in India

by Vipul Kharbanda

Information security standards provide a framework for the secure development, implementation and maintenance of information systems and technology architecture. This document includes draft information security standards, which seek to ensure that not only the data of users is dealt with in a secure and safe manner but also that the smaller businesses in the fintech industry have a specific standard to look at in order to limit their liabilities for any future breaches.

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Introducing the Cybersecurity Visuals Media Handbook

by Saumyaa Naidu and Arindrajit Basu

The need for intervention in the cybersecurity imagery in media publications was realised during a brainstorming workshop that was conducted by CIS with illustrators, designers, and cybersecurity researchers.

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