Centre for Internet & Society

Super Cassettes v. MySpace

The Delhi High Court’s judgment in Super Cassettes v. MySpace last July is worrying for a number of reasons. The court failed to appreciate the working of intermediaries online and disregard all pragmatic considerations involved. The consequences for free expression and particularly for file sharing by users of services online are especially unfavourable.

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Banking and Accessibility in India: A Study on Banking Accessibility in India — Call for Comments

Posted by Vrinda Maheshwari at Oct 30, 2012 04:50 AM |
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The adoption of accessible features and technologies by banks in India is low despite there being legislative and executive push for it. It is important for the banks to understand not just their obligations but also the benefits that will accrue to them if they follow the suggested guidelines.

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The Hathitrust Judgment and its impact on TVI negotiations at WIPO

Posted by Rahul Cherian at Oct 30, 2012 04:28 AM |

Those of you who have been following my earlier posts on the WIPO negotiations on the Treaty for the Visually Impaired will remember that one of the biggest concerns of the World Blind Union on the draft wording of the Treaty was with the definition of an “authorized entity” that can undertake conversion and distribution of accessible format copies.

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Malayalam Wikipedia Education Program: August to October Updates

Malayalam Wikipedia Education Program: August to October Updates

Posted by Shiju Alex at Oct 29, 2012 10:35 AM |

Three months back, I wrote a blog post (http://blog.wikimedia.org/2012/07/06/wikipedia-education-a-model-from-malayalam-wikipedia/) about the inauguration of the Wikipedia education program in Malayalam Wikipedia. This program is the first of its kind in an Indic language, and Malayalam community is doing the program in collaboration with the IT@School, a project of the Department of General Education, Government of Kerala, setup in 2001, to foster the IT education in schools.

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The Rules of Engagement

The Rules of Engagement

Posted by Nishant Shah at Oct 29, 2012 03:50 AM |

Why the have-nots of the digital world can sometimes be mistaken as trolls. I am not sure if you have noticed, but lately, the people populating our social networks have started to be more diverse than before.

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Bridging Gender Gap in Pune: WikiWomenDay 2012 Celebrated with Success!

Bridging Gender Gap in Pune: WikiWomenDay 2012 Celebrated with Success!

Posted by Subhashish Panigrahi at Oct 29, 2012 12:05 AM |

A2K team members Subhashish Panigrahi and Noopur Raval participated in the "WikiWomenDay" organized by Wikipedia Club Pune at PAI International Learning Solutions, Azam Campus on October 28, 2012. Subhashish unfolds the happenings of this full day free fun workshop.

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Rethinking DNA Profiling in India

Posted by Elonnai Hickok at Oct 28, 2012 04:00 PM |

DNA profile databases can be useful tools in solving crime, but given that the DNA profile of a person can reveal very personal information about the individual, including medical history, family history and so on, a more comprehensive legislation regulating the collection, use, analysis and storage of DNA samples needs included in the draft Human DNA Profiling Bill.

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Privacy Perspectives on the 2012 -2013 Goa Beach Shack Policy

Posted by Elonnai Hickok at Oct 25, 2012 09:40 AM |

CCTVs in India are increasingly being employed by private organizations and the government in India as a way to increase security and prevent/ deter crime from taking place. When the government mandates the use of CCTV’s for this purpose, it often does so by means of a blunt policy mandate, requiring the installation of CCTV systems, but without any further clarification as to who should oversee the use of the cameras, what bodies should have access to the records, how access should be granted or obtained, and how long the recordings should be retained.

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Habits of Living: Being Human in a Networked Society

Habits of Living: Being Human in a Networked Society

Posted by Nishant Shah at Oct 23, 2012 10:26 AM |

Recently, in Bangalore, a cluster of academics, researchers, artists, and practitioners, were supported by Brown University, to assemble in a Thinkathon (a thinking marathon, if you will) and explore how our new habits of everyday life need to be re-thought and refigured to produce new accounts of what it means to be human, to be friends, and to be connected in our networked societies.

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Digital Habits: How and Why We Tweet, Share and Like

Digital Habits: How and Why We Tweet, Share and Like

Posted by Nishant Shah at Oct 23, 2012 10:15 AM |

There aren’t always rational explanations for the ways in which we behave on networks. While there are trend spotting sciences and pattern recognition methods which try to make sense of how and why we behave in these strange ways on networks, they generally fail to actually help us understand why we do the things that we do when we are connected.

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Who’s that Friend?

Who’s that Friend?

Posted by Nishant Shah at Oct 23, 2012 09:25 AM |

If you are reading this, stand on your right foot and start hopping while waving your hands in the air and shouting, “I am crazy” at the top of your voice. If you don’t, your Facebook account will be compromised, your passwords will be automatically leaked, and somebody will use your credit card to smuggle ice across international waters.

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Launch of Assamese Wikipedia Education Program at Guwahati University

Launch of Assamese Wikipedia Education Program at Guwahati University

Posted by Nitika Tandon at Oct 22, 2012 10:30 AM |

The Assamese Wikipedia community has shown a rapid growth in the past six months from 20 active editors in January 2012 to 29 active editors in June 2012. The absolute numbers might seem low but in terms of percentages its an overwhelming increment of 45 per cent.

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The Supreme Court Delivers

Posted by Shyam Ponappa at Oct 22, 2012 06:25 AM |
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Now, the spectrum and licence issues need resolution. On September 27, 2012, the Supreme Court of India delivered the opinion of a bench comprising five Judges on the Presidential Reference regarding the auction of 2G spectrum.

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Wikipedia workshop @ Inmantec College, Ghaziabad

Wikipedia workshop @ Inmantec College, Ghaziabad

Posted by Nitika Tandon at Oct 19, 2012 11:10 AM |

The Access to Knowledge team at the Centre for Internet & Society was approached by Gaurav Prashar, Assistant Dean at Inmantec College, Ghaziabad to organize a Wikipedia workshop. Accordingly, a workshop was organized on October 17, 2012.

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Bengaluru: A Hub for Kannada and Sanskrit Wikipedia and other Wikimedia projects!

Bengaluru: A Hub for Kannada and Sanskrit Wikipedia and other Wikimedia projects!

Posted by Subhashish Panigrahi at Oct 16, 2012 05:30 AM |

Kannada Wikipedia is one of those Indic language wikipedias which has seen many readers coming up every month. Subhashish Panigrahi summarizes the experiences of some of the very active Kannada wikipedians from the recent Kannada Wikipedia meetup held in Bengaluru on October 7, 2012.

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WIPO General Assemblies Approve Road Map on Treaty for the Visually Impaired

Posted by Rahul Cherian at Oct 11, 2012 10:34 AM |
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In a significant development the 50th session of Assemblies of WIPO member states reached a breakthrough decision on how to complete negotiations on a pact to improve access to copyrighted works for the many visually impaired or print disabled people around the world.

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Habits of Living Thinkathon — Day 4 Live Blog: Closing Remarks

Posted by Jadine Lannon at Sep 30, 2012 08:00 PM |

The Habits of Living Thinkathon (Thinking Marathon) is being hosted by the Centre for Internet and Society in Bangalore, India, from September 26 to 29, 2012. The event brings together a range of multi-disciplinary scholars and practitioners. The aim of the workshop is to generate a dialogue on the notion of surrogate structures that have become visible landmarks of contemporary life, and to produce new conceptual frameworks to help us understand networks and the ways in which they inform our everyday practice and thought.

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Habits of Living Thinkathon — Day 4 Live Blog: Namita A Malhotra on Amateur Pornography

Posted by Jadine Lannon at Sep 30, 2012 07:30 PM |

The Habits of Living Thinkathon (Thinking Marathon) is being hosted by the Centre for Internet and Society in Bangalore, India, from September 26 to 29, 2012. The event brings together a range of multi-disciplinary scholars and practitioners. The aim of the workshop is to generate a dialogue on the notion of surrogate structures that have become visible landmarks of contemporary life, and to produce new conceptual frameworks to help us understand networks and the ways in which they inform our everyday practice and thought.

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Habits of Living Thinkathon — Day 4 Live Blog: Wendy Chun on Friends

Posted by Jadine Lannon at Sep 30, 2012 07:00 PM |

The Habits of Living Thinkathon (Thinking Marathon) is being hosted by the Centre for Internet and Society in Bangalore, India, from September 26 to 29, 2012. The event brings together a range of multi-disciplinary scholars and practitioners. The aim of the workshop is to generate a dialogue on the notion of surrogate structures that have become visible landmarks of contemporary life, and to produce new conceptual frameworks to help us understand networks and the ways in which they inform our everyday practice and thought.

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Habits of Living Thinkathon — Day 4 Live Blog: Finding and Funding the Masses

Posted by Alok Vaid-Menon at Sep 30, 2012 02:30 PM |

The Habits of Living Thinkathon (Thinking Marathon) is being hosted by the Centre for Internet and Society in Bangalore, India, from September 26 to 29, 2012. The event brings together a range of multi-disciplinary scholars and practitioners. The aim of the workshop is to generate a dialogue on the notion of surrogate structures that have become visible landmarks of contemporary life, and to produce new conceptual frameworks to help us understand networks and the ways in which they inform our everyday practice and thought.

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