An Overview of Telecommunications Policy and Regulation Framework in India
Abhishek Raj, a researcher at the Centre for Internet Society (CIS), has authored a document that provides an overview of the policy and regulatory environment surrounding telecommunications in India.
It summarises the legal and policy instruments that regulate telecom and internet service providers in the country. It covers following areas:
- General overview of acts and associated policiesO
- Operator licensing
- Spectrum and associated fees
- Backbone and backhaul infrastructure
- Universal service/financial support
- Gender and telecom
Read the full document here
The information from this document has also been added to the India’s country profile on the LocNet Wiki, which is regularly updated to keep abreast with developments in telecom policy.
The author is thankful to Divyansha Sehgal, Gurshabad Grover and Isha Suri for their review and suggestions.