Centre for Internet & Society

It also includes opinion posts of the facilitators, interviews with them, comics and cartoons highlighting current issues affecting the community, as well as current news and discussions happening at the project website, www.digitalnatives.in.

Volume 10, Issue 3, December 2012 of the Digital Natives with a Cause newsletter features Changing Face of Citizen Action exploring in particular the the mechanics of activism aided by media: web, social, digital, and traditional.


Download the issue of Volume X, issue 3:
Links in the Chain - Volume X, issue 3 (Changing Face of Citizen Action)

Changing Face of Citizen Action

Changing Face
Citizen Action

Volume 10, Issue 2, May 2012 of the Digital Natives with a Cause newsletter features Augmented Reality. Augmented Reality is poised to become an ordinary and everyday technology that changes the way we interact with the world.


Download the issue of Volume X, issue 2:
Centre for Internet and Society Links in the Chain - Volume X, issue 2 (Brave New World)


Volume 10, Issue 1, April 2012 of the Digital Natives with a Cause newsletter features Hyper-connected, yet Hyper-lonely. It puts the spotlight on an emerging trope in society and media: the more connected we are to our gadgets, peer network and social media, the lonelier we feel.

Download the issue of Volume X, issue 1:
Centre for Internet and Society Links in the Chain - Volume X, issue 1 Home Alone (Home Alone)


Augmented Divinity

Alone Together

Hyper Connected,
Hyper Lonely

Volume 9 of the Digital Natives with a Cause newsletter features Digital Art. It includes a chat with Leon Tan, the evolution of the geek, augmenting art, visualizing art, experiential art and editor recommends, in this issue it is Black Mirror, a three-part television drama series.

Download the issues of Volume IX:
Centre for Internet and SocietyLinks in the Chain - Volume IX, issue 2 (Piracy, Privacy and the Wiki Way of Web)
Centre for Internet and SocietyLinks in the Chain - Volume IX, issue 1 (Digital Art)
Piracy, Privacy
Volume 8 of the Digital Natives with a Cause newsletter features four issues that deal with the most pertinent topics debated and discussed in the interwebs today, be it Internet Governance and Censorship; the way we engage with members in a web group or tackle cyber bullying; to the hyper-connected world of social media.

Download the issues of Volume VIII:
Centre for Internet and SocietyLinks in the Chain - Volume VIII, issue I (Social Media)
Centre for Internet and SocietyLinks in the Chain - Volume VIII, issue II (Internet Governance)
Centre for Internet and SocietyLinks in the Chain - Volume VIII, issue III (Decoding Web Groups)
Centre for Internet and SocietyLinks in the Chain - Volume VIII, issue IV (Analog Relics in the Digital Age)
This issues touches on the topic of Digital Dinosaurs, an exploration of the non-digital by those who are digital. The authors talk about issues of the digital and non digital. So many activities we used to be part of are now either partially or fully mediated by the digital world. Does that fact elevate the computer to a position where it stands in the center of our lives? As a Digital Native, are there areas of your life which the digital hasn’t touched? Do any of you still write by hand periodically?

Download the issue of Volume VII:
Centre for Internet and Society Links in the Chain - Volume VII (Digital Dinosaurs)
This issue give us an insight into two different dimension of the digital natives programme. After the three workshops and one international conference it was time to get all the knowledge and new insight together in a book. The editors came together for a write shop, and here is a report. Nilofar also gives an interesting insight into digital activism.

Download the issue of Volume VI:
Centre for Internet and Society Links in the Chain - Volume VI (Write-shop)

This issue gives an insight into the 2011 Egyptian revolution which was primarily inspired by social media and raised demands for the overthrow of Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak. Why some protests are successful and some not.

Download the issue of Volume V:
Centre for Internet and Society Links in the Chain - Volume V (Revolutions in Middle East and Africa)

The fourth volume had a "theme of practicioners" across the world. This issue talks about "best practices", i.e., those ideas and implementations that have worked in specific contexts and are worth sharing for learning purposes.

Download the issue of Volume IV below:
Centre for Internet and Society Links in the Chain - Volume IV (Best Practices)
Best Practices
Welcome to volume number three issue one of “Links in the Chain”. This issue and the next will have as a common theme some questions of identity and its relation with digital technologies. We have reached a point in our technological trajectory where the analogy of the “tool” falls short of describing our relationship with digital technologies.

Download the issues of Volume III (in English and one in Spanish):
Centre for Internet and Society Links in the Chain - Volume III, issue I (Digital Identity)
Centre for Internet and Society Links in the Chain - Volume III, issue I (Spanish)
Centre for Internet and Society Links in the Chain - Volume III, issue II (Digital Identity)
To mark the 10th anniversary of Wikipedia we decided on “connections” as the theme for the 2nd volume (containing three issues) of Links in the Chain. Connections are one of the defining features of a wiki website, as the interlinked nature of pages or entries allow for easy navigation and accessibility to networks of information from any point of entry. Connections are also a defining feature of the “Digital Natives with a Cause?” research project.

Download the three issues of Volume II:
Centre for Internet and Society Links in the Chain - Volume II, issue I (Connections)
Centre for Internet and Society Links in the Chain - Volume II, issue II(Connections)
Centre for Internet and Society Links in the Chain - Volume II, issue III (Connections)
The first volume was introductory and experimental in nature. It carries a report about the Thinkathon conference co-organised by Hivos and the Centre for Internet and Society held from 6 to 8 December 2010 at the Hague Museum for Communication.

Download the two issues of Volume I:
Centre for Internet and Society Links in the Chain - Volume I, issue I (Digital Technologies)
Centre for Internet and Society Links in the Chain - Volume I, issue II (Digital Technologies)
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