Digital Native Video Contest Announcement
The Centre for Internet & Society and Hivos Knowledge Programme are pleased to announce the Everyday Digital Native (Digital AlterNatives) Video Contest.
The Everyday Digital Native is hiding inside each of us.
You THINK Digital.
You CONNECT using digital devices and gadgets.
You ACT Digitally, always clicking, linking, tagging and Liking.
You know what it means To Be Digital. It's simply a way of life!
Tell us your Digital Story. What makes your life so click-worthy?
Submit your proposal via Online Application Form ( by 26 January 2012
Selection Process
- Round 1: Contest entries closes on 26 January
- Round 2: The jury will shortlist 20 entries
- Round 3: The 20 shortlisted participants send in their final videos by 10 March
- Round 4: Public voting for Top 10 videos. Voting closes: 31 March 2012.
- Top 10 Finalists win EUR 500 each!
- Round 5: Jury Selects Top 2 Winners: 10 April
Submission Guidelines
- Use this Online Application Form to submit your proposals
- Participants wishing to submit a sketch(es), storyboard, collage or short video narration at the proposal stage can send in their submissions to [email protected]. Please ensure your submission is accompanied by a brief explanatory write-up.
- For team / group submissions, it is enough for one team member to fill the online form / submit proposal via email on behalf of the team.
- The Digital AlterNatives with a Cause books are the inspiration for this video contest. You can use any of the essays as a basis for your video.
- File type: AVI, MP4 formats
- Language: Please send proposals / fill the online form in English. The final videos can be in any language, with English subtitles.
- Title: Each proposal should feature a tentative title, short description of what the video will feature (characterization, storyline) and the theme and idea behind the video.
- Genre: Do mention the style of execution / genre: animation, claymation, stick drawings stitched together in Movie Maker, paper art on video, documentary, short film, promotional message, and other styles of digital movie making.
- Contact Details: Be sure to include your name and contact email, your city of residence and a two-liner on what you do to give us a perspective on your video.
- Limit your written proposals to 350-500 words, although there’s no word limit strictly.
- Your video shouldn’t exceed 30 minutes in run time, so fine-tune your ideas and storyboard accordingly
- Every applicant is allowed only one proposal. No multiple story submissions.
- Applicants can work individually or in a pair or a group. Each group will be permitted one entry submission.
- All submissions must be original and clearly attributed to the relevant copyright holder. If referenced from third-party sources or if work is licensed under Creative Commons, please mention so.
Jury Members
Shashwati TalukdarShashwati Talukdar grew up in India where her engagement with theatre and sculpture led to filmmaking, and a Masters degree from the AJ Kidwai Mass Communication Research Center in Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi. She developed an interest in American Avant-Garde film and eventually got an MFA in Film and Media Arts from Temple University, Philadelphia (1999). Her work covers a wide range of forms, including documentary, narrative and experimental. Her work has shown at venues including the Margaret Mead Festival, Berlin, Institute of Contemporary Art in Philadelphia, Kiasma Museum of Art and the Whitney Biennial. She has been supported by entities including the Asian Cine Fund in Busan, the Jerome Foundation, New York State Council on the Arts among others. |
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Leon TanLeon Tan, PhD, is a media-art historian, cultural theorist and psychoanalyst based in Gothenburg, Sweden. He has written on art, media, globalization and copyright in journals such as CTheory and Ephemera, and curated media-art projects and art symposia in international sites such as KHOJ International Artists’ Association (New Delhi, 2011), ISEA (Singapore, 2008) and Digital Arts Week (Zurich, 2007). He is currently researching media-art practices in India, and networked museums as an expanded field of cultural memory making. |
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Jeroen van LoonJeroen, digital media artist, investigates the (non-) impact of digital technology on our lives. For two months he went analogue, refrained from connecting to the World Wide Web, and communicated through his Analogue Blog. He is currently working on Life Needs Internet in which he travels around the world and collects people's personal handwritten internet stories. |
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Becky Band JainBecky Band Jain is a non-profit communications specialist and blogs on everything from technology to psychology and culture. She spent the last five years living in India and she’s now based in New York. She’s a dedicated yoga and meditation practitioner and is passionate about ICTD and new media. |
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Namita A MalhotraNamita A. Malhotra is a legal researcher and media practitioner and a core member of Alternative Law Forum in Bangalore, India. Her areas of interest are image, technology, media and law, and her work takes the form of interdisciplinary research, video and film making and exploring possibilities of recombining material, practice and discipline. She is also a founder member of (Public Access Digital Media Archive) which is a densely annotated online video archive. |
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