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IISc students boycott UID, don’t want Big Brother to keep watch
by Prasad Krishna published Aug 23, 2011 — filed under: ,
The programme doesn’t have statutory backing. It is still in parliament
Located in News & Media
In the Right Circle
by Prasad Krishna published Aug 23, 2011 — filed under: ,
I’ve been on Google Plus for a few weeks now. In the beginning, it felt like showing up early at a much-talked-up party. There was a small scatter of people, poking around, examining the place, making preliminary conversation with the few others they knew. Most of the talk was, unsurprisingly, about Google Plus.
Located in News & Media
Blog Entry Whole Body Imaging and Privacy Concerns that Follow
by Srishti Goyal published Aug 22, 2011 last modified Sep 29, 2011 05:38 AM — filed under: ,
Law student at the National University of Juridical Sciences, and intern for Privacy India, Srishti Goyal compares, contrasts, and critiques the Whole Body Imaging practices found in the US, the UK, and Australia, and makes recommendations for an Indian regime.
Located in Internet Governance / Blog
Blog Entry IP Addresses and Expeditious Disclosure of Identity in India
by Prashant Iyengar published Aug 22, 2011 last modified Dec 14, 2012 10:20 AM — filed under: ,
In this research, Prashant Iyengar reviews the statutory mechanism regulating the retention and disclosure of IP addresses by Internet companies in India. Prashant provides a compilation of anecdotes on how law enforcement authorities in India have used IP address information to trace individuals responsible for particular crimes.
Located in Internet Governance
Cyber Crime & Privacy
by Merlin Oommen published Aug 22, 2011 last modified Sep 01, 2011 09:36 AM — filed under: ,
India is a growing area in the field of active Internet usage with 71 million Internet users.
Located in Internet Governance
Financial Inclusion and the UID
by elonnai hickok published Aug 22, 2011 last modified Aug 23, 2011 10:36 AM — filed under: ,
Since 2009, when Nandan Nilekani began to envision and implement the Unique Identification Project, the UID authority has promoted the UID/Aadhaar scheme as a tool of development for India - arguing that an identity will assist in bringing benefits to the poor, promote financial inclusion in India, and allow for economic and social development. In this blog entry I will focus on the challenges and possibilities of the UID number providing the residents of India a viable method of access to financial services across the country.
Located in Internet Governance
CCTV in Universities
by Merlin Oommen published Aug 10, 2011 last modified Sep 01, 2011 09:50 AM — filed under: ,
Basic Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) Infrastructure is used to observe movements from a central room, and consists of one or more video cameras that transmit video and audio images to a set of monitors or video recorders.
Located in Internet Governance / Blog / Privacy
Nothing unique about this identity
by Prasad Krishna published Aug 09, 2011 — filed under:
Relying on the government to protect your privacy is like asking peeping tom to install your window blinds, opined, not long ago, the American poet and novelist John Perry Barlow once. The statement attains significance in the context of Unique Identification (UID) project which is being touted as a milepost in inclusive politics. Liberalisation evangelists see UID project as the most virtuous thing that can ever happen to the Indian people who find themselves excluded from the system.
Located in News & Media
Tired of tele-marketing calls? Act on privacy right: Experts
by Prasad Krishna published Aug 09, 2011 — filed under:
Annoyed with unsolicited calls from insurance and banking companies? Under the proposed Right to Privacy Act, such calls would be considered a violation and the company responsible penalised up to Rs 5 lakh. The draft Right to Privacy Bill says that no person with a business in the country can collect or disclose any data relating to any individual without his/her consent.
Located in News & Media
Re-thinking Key Escrow
by Natasha Vaz published Aug 09, 2011 last modified Aug 22, 2011 11:44 AM — filed under: ,
Would you make duplicates of your house keys and hand them over to the local police authority? And if so, would you feel safe? Naturally, one would protest this invasion of privacy. Similarly, would it be justified for the government to have a copy of the private key to intercept and decrypt communications? This is the idea behind key escrow; it enables government ‘wiretapping’.
Located in Internet Governance / Blog / Privacy