Centre for Internet & Society

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Blog Entry Interview with Mr. Reijo Aarnio - Finnish Data Protection Ombudsman
by Maria Xynou published Jul 19, 2013 — filed under: ,
Maria Xynou recently interviewed Mr. Reijo Aarnio, the Finnish Data Protection Ombudsman, at the CIS' 5th Privacy Round Table. View this interview and gain an insight on recommendations for better data protection in India!
Located in Internet Governance / Blog
Blog Entry Parsing the Cyber Security Policy
by Chinmayi Arun published Jul 22, 2013 — filed under: , ,
An effective cyber-security policy must keep up with the rapid evolution of technology, and must never become obsolete. The standard-setting and review bodies will therefore need to be very nimble, says Chinmayi Arun.
Located in Internet Governance / Blog
Snooping technology: Will CMS work in India?
by Prasad Krishna published Jul 22, 2013 — filed under: ,
The Indian government plans to spend $132 million on setting up its brand new Central Monitoring System this year.
Located in News & Media
Data protection experts slam state for sending mass SMSes
by Prasad Krishna published Mar 27, 2012 — filed under: ,
Experts in the field of data protection, privacy law and media have criticised the West Bengal government's mass SMS sent to individuals, companies and media houses through private mobile networks last Friday. Lara Choksey reports this in an article published in the Statesman on March 25, 2012.
Located in News & Media
Blog Entry Eight Key Privacy Events in India in the Year 2015
by Amber Sinha published Dec 31, 2015 last modified Jan 03, 2016 05:43 AM — filed under: ,
As the year draws to a close, we are enumerating some of the key privacy related events in India that transpired in 2015. Much like the last few years, this year, too, was an eventful one in the context of privacy.
Located in Internet Governance / Blog
Unbundling Issues of Privacy, Data Security, Identity Matrics, for Financial Inclusion
by Prasad Krishna published Dec 10, 2015 last modified Jan 03, 2016 10:45 AM — filed under: ,
This event was organized by Indicus Foundation and MicroSave on December 10, 2015 at the Metropolitan Hotel and Spa, New Delhi. Sunil Abraham was a speaker.
Located in Internet Governance / News & Media
Blog Entry Human Rights in the Age of Digital Technology: A Conference to Discuss the Evolution of Privacy and Surveillance
by Amber Sinha published Jan 11, 2016 — filed under: ,
The Centre for Internet and Society organised a conference in roundtable format called ‘Human Rights in the Age of Digital Technology: A Conference to discuss the evolution of Privacy and Surveillance. The conference was held at Indian Habitat Centre on October 30, 2015. The conference was designed to be a forum for discussion, knowledge exchange and agenda building to draw a shared road map for the coming months.
Located in Internet Governance / Blog
Blog Entry Reply to RTI Application under RTI Act of 2005 from Vanya Rakesh
by Vanya Rakesh published Jan 03, 2016 last modified Jan 13, 2016 02:40 AM — filed under: , ,
Unique Identification Authority of India replied to the RTI application filed by Vanya Rakesh.
Located in Internet Governance / Blog
Blog Entry Anti-Spam Laws in Different Jurisdictions: A Comparative Analysis
by Rakshanda Deka published Jul 02, 2015 — filed under: ,
This paper is divided into three sections. The first section puts forth a comparative table of the spam laws of five different countries - the United States of America, Australia, Canada, Singapore and the United Kingdom - based on eight distinct parameters- jurisdiction of the legislation, definition of ‘spam’, understanding of consent, labelling requirements, types of senders covered, entities empowered to sue, exceptions made and penalties prescribed. The second section is a brief background of the problem of spam and it attempts to establish the context in which the paper is written. The third section is a critical analysis of the laws covered in the first section. In an effort to spot the various loopholes in these laws and suggest effective alternatives, this section points out the distinctions between the various legislations and discusses briefly their respective advantages and disadvantages.
Located in Internet Governance / Blog
'IRCTC’s Aadhaar play can violate SC order and derail National Security'
by Prasad Krishna published Jul 07, 2015 — filed under: ,
Your online railway bookings are going to become a wee bit more difficult if they aren’t already so.
Located in Internet Governance / News & Media