Q&A to the Report of the Group of Experts on Privacy
Elonnai Hickok
Nov 09, 2012
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Internet Governance,
In January 2012 Justice A.P. Shah formed a committee consisting of a group of experts to contribute to and create a report of recommendations for a privacy legislation in India. The committee met a total of seven times from January to September 2012. The Centre for Internet and Society (CIS) was a member of the committee creating the report. This blog post is CIS’s attempt to answer questions that have arisen from media coverage on the report, based on our understanding.
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Internet Governance
Law yet to catch up with tech-enabled peeping toms
Prasad Krishna
Nov 08, 2012
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Internet Governance,
Devices that give sharp images are the order of the day. But this clarity is lacking when it comes to regulating use of cameras and camera phones in public places, say policy makers.
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Bolstering right to remain private
Prasad Krishna
Oct 29, 2012
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Internet Governance,
The Justice AP Shah panel has done to well to lay down an enforceable roadmap that can strengthen privacy laws in the country. It’s now for the legislature to take the issue to a logical conclusion.
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Rethinking DNA Profiling in India
Elonnai Hickok
Oct 28, 2012
last modified
Oct 29, 2012 08:00 AM
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Internet Governance,
DNA profile databases can be useful tools in solving crime, but given that the DNA profile of a person can reveal very personal information about the individual, including medical history, family history and so on, a more comprehensive legislation regulating the collection, use, analysis and storage of DNA samples needs included in the draft Human DNA Profiling Bill.
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Internet Governance
Privacy Perspectives on the 2012 -2013 Goa Beach Shack Policy
Elonnai Hickok
Oct 25, 2012
last modified
Oct 25, 2012 10:23 AM
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Internet Governance,
CCTVs in India are increasingly being employed by private organizations and the government in India as a way to increase security and prevent/ deter crime from taking place. When the government mandates the use of CCTV’s for this purpose, it often does so by means of a blunt policy mandate, requiring the installation of CCTV systems, but without any further clarification as to who should oversee the use of the cameras, what bodies should have access to the records, how access should be granted or obtained, and how long the recordings should be retained.
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Internet Governance
Panel suggests law to protect individual privacy
Prasad Krishna
Oct 22, 2012
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Internet Governance,
A government-appointed expert panel Thursday called for a law to protect individual privacy against misuse of information collected by various agencies, public and private, and through various methods like telephone tapping.
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Privacy law mooted to protect people against misuse of info
Prasad Krishna
Oct 22, 2012
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Internet Governance,
A government-appointed expert group today suggested enactment of a law to protect individuals against misuse of information collected through telephone tapping, videography or any other method.
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Experts' committee moots law to protect privacy
Prasad Krishna
Oct 22, 2012
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Internet Governance,
In its report submitted to the Planning Commission on Thursday, the first ever experts’ group to identify the privacy issues and prepare a report to facilitate authoring of the privacy bill, has said that existing laws have created an ‘unclear regulatory regime’ which allows a state to be intrusive.
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Govt panel wants curbs on phone taps
Prasad Krishna
Oct 22, 2012
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Internet Governance,
A government-appointed panel on Thursday recommended several measures, including guidelines on interception of telephonic conversations, video and audio recordings, use and storage of data as well as setting up of dispute resolution entities at Centre and state-level to protect the privacy of individuals.
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Privacy Act should not circumscribe RTI: expert group
Prasad Krishna
Oct 22, 2012
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Internet Governance,
An expert group to draw the framework of a law to protect privacy of individuals has suggested that issues of personal privacy must not be used to dilute the provisions of or block information under the Right to Information Act, and used a language that almost directly contradicts the sentiments expressed by the Prime Minister in this regard just a few days ago.
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