Centre for Internet & Society

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Blog Entry State of the Internet's Languages 2020: Announcing selected contributions!
by Puthiya Purayil Sneha published Nov 01, 2019 last modified Nov 01, 2019 06:12 PM — filed under: , , , , , , ,
In response to our call for contributions and reflections on ‘Decolonising the Internet’s Languages’ in August, we are delighted to announce that we received 50 submissions, in over 38 languages! We are so overwhelmed and grateful for the interest and support of our many communities around the world; it demonstrates how critical this effort is for all of us. From all these extraordinary offerings, we have selected nine that we will invite and support the contributors to expand further.
Located in RAW
Blog Entry Strategies to Organise Platform Workers
by Chiaro Furtado published Oct 22, 2023 — filed under: , , , , , , ,
In 2022, the Centre for Internet and Society hosted a panel with Akkanut Wantanasombut, Ayoade Ibrahim, Rikta Krishnaswamy, and Sofía Scasserra at RightsCon, an annual summit on technology and human rights.
Located in RAW
Blog Entry Studying Internet in India (2016): Selected Abstracts
by Sumandro Chattapadhyay published Jul 05, 2016 last modified Jul 06, 2016 06:24 AM — filed under: , , ,
We received some great submissions and decided to select twelve abstracts, and not only ten as we planned earlier. Here are the abstracts.
Located in RAW
Blog Entry Studying Internet in India: Selected Abstracts
by Sumandro Chattapadhyay published May 10, 2015 last modified Aug 28, 2015 06:53 AM — filed under: , , ,
We received thirty five engaging abstracts in response to the call for essays on 'Studying Internet in India.' Here are the ten selected abstracts. The final essays will be published from June onwards.
Located in RAW
Blog Entry Studying the Emerging Database State in India: Notes for Critical Data Studies (Accepted Abstract)
by Sumandro Chattapadhyay published Aug 02, 2015 last modified Nov 13, 2015 05:54 AM — filed under: , , , , , ,
"Critical Data Studies (CDS) is a growing field of research that focuses on the unique theoretical, ethical, and epistemological challenges posed by 'Big Data.' Rather than treat Big Data as a scientifically empirical, and therefore largely neutral phenomena, CDS advocates the view that data should be seen as always-already constituted within wider data assemblages." The Big Data and Society journal has provisionally accepted a paper abstract of mine for its upcoming special issue on Critical Data Studies.
Located in RAW
Blog Entry Submission by the Centre for Internet and Society on Revisions to ICANN Expected Standards of Behavior
by Vidushi Marda published Jun 29, 2016 last modified Jun 30, 2016 06:07 AM — filed under: , , , , ,
Prepared by Vidushi Marda, with inputs from Dr. Nirmita Narasimhan and Sunil Abraham.
Located in Internet Governance
Blog Entry Submitted Comments on the 'Government Open Data Use License - India'
by Anubha Sinha published Jul 26, 2016 last modified Jul 26, 2016 09:23 AM — filed under: , , , , , ,
The public consultation process of the draft open data license to be used by Government of India has ended yesterday. Here we share the text of the submission by CIS. It was drafted by Anubha Sinha, Pranesh Prakash, and Sumandro Chattapadhyay.
Located in Openness
Blog Entry Submitted Comments on the Telangana State Open Data Policy 2016
by Sumandro Chattapadhyay published Sep 01, 2016 last modified Sep 01, 2016 05:49 AM — filed under: , , , , ,
Last month, the Information Technology, Electronics & Communications Department of the Government of Telangana released the first public draft of the Telangana State Open Data Policy 2016, and sought comments from various stakeholders in the state and outside. The draft policy not only aims to facilitate and provide a framework for proactive disclosure of data created by the state government agencies, but also identify the need for integrating such a mandate within the information systems operated by these agencies as well. CIS is grateful to be invited to submit its detailed comments on the same. The submission was drafted by Anubha Sinha and Sumandro Chattapadhyay.
Located in Openness
Blog Entry Super Cassettes v. MySpace
by Ujwala Uppaluri published Oct 30, 2012 last modified Oct 31, 2012 10:27 AM — filed under: , , , ,
The Delhi High Court’s judgment in Super Cassettes v. MySpace last July is worrying for a number of reasons. The court failed to appreciate the working of intermediaries online and disregard all pragmatic considerations involved. The consequences for free expression and particularly for file sharing by users of services online are especially unfavourable.
Located in Access to Knowledge / Blogs
Survey : Digital Natives with a cause?
by pushpa published Jun 08, 2010 last modified Aug 04, 2011 10:35 AM — filed under: , , , , ,
This survey seeks to consolidate information about how young people who have grown up with networked technologies use and experience online platforms and tools. It is also one of the first steps we have taken to interact with Digital Natives from around the world — especially in emerging information societies — to learn, understand and explore the possibilities of change via technology that lie before the Digital Natives. The findings from the survey will be presented at a multi-stakeholder conference later this year in The Netherlands.
Located in Digital Natives / Blog