Centre for Internet & Society

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Blog Entry Monitoring Sustainable Development Goals in India: Availability and Openness of Data (Part II)
by Sumandro Chattapadhyay published Apr 12, 2016 — filed under: , , , , ,
The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are an internationally agreed upon set of developmental targets to be achieved by 2030. There are 17 SDGs with 169 targets, and each target is mapped to one or more indicators as a measure of evaluation. In this and the next blog post, Kiran AB is documenting the availability and openness of data sets in India that are relevant for monitoring the targets under the SDGs. This post offers the findings for the last 10 Goals. The first 7 has already been discussed in the earlier post.
Located in Openness
Mrutyunjay Mishra - India Online: Measuring, Understanding, and Making Decisions about Internet in India (Delhi, September 01, 6 pm)
by Sumandro Chattapadhyay published Aug 29, 2017 last modified Aug 29, 2017 10:18 AM — filed under: , , ,
With great pleasure we announce that Mrutyunjay Mishra, co-founder of Juxt-SmartMandate and India Open Data Association, will be the speaker for the September #FirstFriday event at the CIS office in Delhi. Mrutyunjay is a recognised expert in data-driven decision-making and a leading commentator on Indian consumer behaviour. His talk will focus on the evolution of measurement of users and activities in the Indian telecommunication and online market sectors, and will highlight the critical challenges and opportunities faced by public and private entities in reliably and timely measuring, understanding, and making commercial and policy decisions about 'India Online'. If you are joining us, please RSVP at the soonest as we have only limited space in our office.
Located in RAW
Blog Entry NASSCOM-DSCI Annual Information Security Summit 2015 - Notes
by Sumandro Chattapadhyay published Jan 19, 2016 — filed under: , , , ,
NASSCOM-DSCI organised the 10th Annual Information Security Summit (AISS) 2015 in Delhi during December 16-17. Sumandro Chattapadhyay participated in this engaging Summit. He shares a collection of his notes and various tweets from the event.
Located in Internet Governance / Blog
Blog Entry NETmundial - Comparing Appearance of Fifty Most Frequent Words
by Sumandro Chattapadhyay published Apr 22, 2014 last modified Apr 25, 2014 09:59 AM — filed under: ,
This set of analysis of the contributions submitted to NETmundial 2014 is part of the effort by the Centre for Internet and Society, Bangalore, India, to enable productive discussions of the critical internet governance issues at the meeting and elsewhere.
Located in Internet Governance / Blog
Blog Entry NETmundial - Contributions by Countries of Origin
by Sumandro Chattapadhyay published Apr 22, 2014 last modified Apr 25, 2014 09:55 AM — filed under: ,
This set of analysis of the contributions submitted to NETmundial 2014 is part of the effort by the Centre for Internet and Society, Bangalore, India, to enable productive discussions of the critical internet governance issues at the meeting and elsewhere.
Located in Internet Governance / Blog
Blog Entry NETmundial - Contributions by Types of Organisation
by Sumandro Chattapadhyay published Apr 22, 2014 last modified Apr 25, 2014 09:57 AM — filed under: ,
This set of analysis of the contributions submitted to NETmundial 2014 is part of the effort by the Centre for Internet and Society, Bangalore, India, to enable productive discussions of the critical internet governance issues at the meeting and elsewhere.
Located in Internet Governance / Blog
Blog Entry NETmundial - Which Countries Have Not Submitted Contributions to NETmundial?
by Sumandro Chattapadhyay published Apr 22, 2014 last modified Apr 25, 2014 09:40 AM — filed under: ,
This set of analysis of the contributions submitted to NETmundial 2014 is part of the effort by the Centre for Internet and Society, Bangalore, India, to enable productive discussions of the critical internet governance issues at the meeting and elsewhere.
Located in Internet Governance / Blog
Blog Entry NETmundial - Which Governments Have Not Submitted Contributions to NETmundial?
by Sumandro Chattapadhyay published Apr 22, 2014 last modified Apr 25, 2014 09:47 AM — filed under: ,
Located in Internet Governance / Blog
Blog Entry NETmundial - Word Clouds of Contributions by Types of Organisation
by Sumandro Chattapadhyay published Apr 23, 2014 last modified Apr 25, 2014 09:51 AM — filed under: ,
This set of analysis of the contributions submitted to NETmundial 2014 is part of the effort by the Centre for Internet and Society, Bangalore, India, to enable productive discussions of the critical internet governance issues at the meeting and elsewhere.
Located in Internet Governance / Blog
Blog Entry NETmundial: Tracking *Multistakeholder* across Contributions
by Sumandro Chattapadhyay published Apr 24, 2014 last modified Apr 25, 2014 09:53 AM — filed under: , , ,
This set of analysis of the contributions submitted to NETmundial 2014 is part of the effort by the Centre for Internet and Society, Bangalore, India, to enable productive discussions of the critical internet governance issues at the meeting and elsewhere.
Located in Internet Governance / Blog