Centre for Internet & Society

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Critical Point of View: A Wikipedia Reader
by Prasad Krishna published May 09, 2011 last modified May 13, 2011 07:24 AM — filed under: ,
For millions of internet users around the globe, the search for new knowledge begins with Wikipedia. The encyclopedia’s rapid rise, novel organization, and freely offered content have been marveled at and denounced by a host of commentators. Critical Point of View moves beyond unflagging praise, well-worn facts, and questions about its reliability and accuracy, to unveil the complex, messy, and controversial realities of a distributed knowledge platform.
Located in Research / Conferences & Workshops / Conference Blogs
Blog Entry Wikiwars: 12th, 13th January, Bangalore
by Nishant Shah published Jan 05, 2010 last modified Mar 13, 2012 10:43 AM — filed under: ,
The Centre for Internet and Society and the Institute of Network Cultures brought together a critical range of scholars, academicians, practitioners, artists and researchers to inquire into the new conditions which emerge with the rise of Wikipedia. The first of two events, WikiWars was the beginning of a knowledge network that shall contribute to a reader titled Critical Point of View, becoming the first resource tool to engage creatively and fruitfully with the diverse range of questions that surround Wikipedia.
Located in Research / Conferences & Workshops / Conference Blogs
WikiWars - A report
by Nishant Shah published Feb 23, 2010 last modified Oct 06, 2010 11:21 AM — filed under: , , , , ,
The Centre for Internet and Society, Bangalore and the Institute of Network Cultures, Amsterdam, hosted WikiWars – an international event that brought together scholars, researchers, academics, artists and practitioners from various disciplines, to discuss the emergence and growth of Wikipedia and what it means for the information societies we inhabit. With participants from 15 countries making presentations about Wikipedia and the knowledge ecology within which it exists, the event saw a vigorous set of debates and discussions as questions about education, pedagogy, language, access, geography, resistance, art and subversion were raised by the presenters. The 2 day event marked the beginning of the process that hopes to produce the first critical reader – Critical Point of View (CPOV) - that collects key resources for research and inquiry around Wikipedia.
Located in Research / Conferences & Workshops / Conference Blogs
CPOV : Wikipedia Research Initiative
by Nishant Shah published Mar 16, 2010 last modified Aug 23, 2011 02:52 AM — filed under: , , , , , , ,
The Second event, towards building the Critical Point of View Reader on Wikipedia, brings a range of scholars, practitioners, theorists and activists to critically reflect on the state of Wikipedia in our contemporary Information Societies. Organised in Amsterdam, Netherlands, by the Institute of Network Cultures, in collaboration with the Centre for Internet and Society, Bangalore, the event builds on the debates and discussions initiated at the WikiWars that launched off the knowledge network in Bangalore in January 2010. Follow the Live Tweets at #CPOV
Located in Research / Conferences & Workshops / Conference Blogs
Critical Point of View: Videos
by Nishant Shah published Apr 20, 2010 — filed under: , , , , ,
The Second event for the Critical Point of View reader on Wikipedia was held in Amsterdam, by the Institute of Network Cultures and the Centre for Internet and Society. A wide range of scholars, academics, researchers, practitioners, artists and users came together to discuss questions on design, analytics, access, education, theory, art, history and processes of knowledge production. The videos for the full event are now available for free viewing and dissemination.
Located in Research / Conferences & Workshops / Conference Blogs
Locating Internets: Histories of the Internet(s) in India — Research Training and Curriculum Workshop: Call for Participation
by Prasad Krishna published Jun 11, 2011 last modified Jul 21, 2011 06:00 AM — filed under: , , , , , , , , , , ,
Deadline for submission: 26th July 2011-06-08; When: 19th - 22nd August, 2011; Where: Centre for Environmental Planning and Technology (CEPT) University, Ahmedabad; Organised by: Centre for Internet and Society, Bangalore and CEPT University, Ahmedabad. Please Note: Travel support is only available for domestic travel within India.
Located in Research / Conferences & Workshops / Conference Blogs
Blog Entry Big Data and Positive Social Change in the Developing World: A White Paper for Practitioners and Researchers
by Nishant Shah published Oct 01, 2014 — filed under: , , , , ,
I was a part of a working group writing a white paper on big data and social change, over the last six months. This white paper was produced by a group of activists, researchers and data experts who met at the Rockefeller Foundation’s Bellagio Centre to discuss the question of whether, and how, big data is becoming a resource for positive social change in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs).
Located in Internet Governance / Blog
Blog Entry An Analysis of the Cases Filed under Section 46 of the Information Technology Act, 2000 for Adjudication in the State of Maharashtra
by Bhairav Acharya published Sep 30, 2013 last modified Oct 01, 2013 03:29 PM — filed under: , ,
This is a brief review of some of the cases related to privacy filed under section 46 of the Information Technology Act, 2000 ("the Act") seeking adjudication for alleged contraventions of the Act in the State of Maharashtra.
Located in Internet Governance / Blog
Net Neutrality Resources
by Prasad Krishna published Mar 29, 2017 last modified Apr 22, 2017 09:11 AM — filed under: , , ,
Submissions by the Centre for Internet and Society to TRAI and DoT, 2015-2017.
Located in Internet Governance / Resources
Blog Entry Analysis of Aadhaar Act in the Context of A.P. Shah Committee Principles
by Vipul Kharbanda published Mar 17, 2016 last modified Mar 17, 2016 07:43 PM — filed under: , , , , , , ,
Whilst there are a number of controversies relating to the Aadhaar Act including the fact that it was introduced in a manner so as to circumvent the majority of the opposition in the upper house of the Parliament and that it was rushed through the Lok Sabha in a mere eight days, in this paper we shall discuss the substantial aspects of the Act in relation to privacy concerns which have been raised by a number of experts. In October 2012, the Group of Experts on Privacy constituted by the Planning Commission under the chairmanship of Justice AP Shah Committee submitted its report which listed nine principles of privacy which all legislations, especially those dealing with personal should adhere to. In this paper, we shall discuss how the Aadhaar Act fares vis-à-vis these nine principles.
Located in Internet Governance / Blog