Wikiwars: 12th, 13th January, Bangalore
The Centre for Internet and Society and the Institute of Network Cultures brought together a critical range of scholars, academicians, practitioners, artists and researchers to inquire into the new conditions which emerge with the rise of Wikipedia. The first of two events, WikiWars was the beginning of a knowledge network that shall contribute to a reader titled Critical Point of View, becoming the first resource tool to engage creatively and fruitfully with the diverse range of questions that surround Wikipedia.
The Wikipedia has emerged as the de facto global reference of dynamic knowledge. Different stakeholders – Wikipedians, users, academics, researchers, gurus of Web 2.0, publishing houses and governments have entered into fierce debates and discussions about what the rise of Wikipedia and Wiki cultures means and how they influence the information societies we live in. The Wikipedia itself has been at the centre of much controversy, pivoted around questions of accuracy, anonymity, vandalism, expertise and authority.
The first event, titled WikiWars is scheduled on the 12th and 13th of January 2010. This is the registration page for interested participants who want to join us in the discussions at the WikiWars.
For Event Details look here
For information on Programme, Panels, participants and presentation titles, look here (MS Office) or here (PDF document)
For more details on WikiWars and CPOV, look here
We have, apart from the 40 presenters, 45 seats available for interested participants to join the discussions.
There are no fees for registration, but the seats are limited, available only on first come first serve basis and not expandable.To register, email us on : [email protected]
Registrations closes: 10th January, 12:00 midnight, Indian Time.
Make sure you give us the following information in your registration request: Name, Email address, Cell phone/contact number, Institutional affiliation, Position/Designation, Areas of interest.
We will publish the final list of registered participants on the 11th of January 2010. Registered participants will be provided with a Registration kit and lunch & refreshments during the event.
Please Note: We might not be able to accommodate participants who turn up at the venue without prior registration due to logistical constraints.