Network Culture: Archaeological and Artistic Interventions Public Seminar – Talk by Kristoffer Gansing and Linda Hilfing
Kristoffer Gansing and Linda Hilfling will give a talk on Network Culture on 8 November 2010 in the Centre for Internet and Society, Bangalore.
“Transversal Media Practices”
by Kristoffer Gansing (SE)

Digital network culture (and before it, multimedia) has since at least the mid-1990's often been described as a situation where, through an overarching process of integration, old and new media collide and converge in different ways (Zielinski 1999, Bolter & Grusin 1999, Manovich 2001, Jenkins 2006). This study investigates how the relation between new and old media forms and their associated practices have been critically appropriated in the field of media art, specifically dealing with alternative media and emerging media-archaeological practices.
“Gate Peepin' or a few thoughts on delivering people ...”
by Linda Hilfling (DK)
The countless click-and-agree contracts populating the Web are veritable gate keepers of the communities making up today's net culture, such regulations are, although materially detached from the structures that they govern, powerful means of controlling content on the Net. Through an introduction to the critical design intervention, Gate Peepin' and related projects, this presentation opens up for a discussion on participation, means of regulation and the user's position within social media platforms.
Gansing and Hilfling have collaborated on projects since 1999. Their joint projects include experimental platforms for media production exploring local/global networks and the curating of festivals and exhibitions challenging linear assumption of technological development. They often collaborate with different communities: CUDI in Vollsmose 2000-2002, Oda Projesi in Istanbul 2003, Sarai/LNJP Colony in New Delhi 2004 and currently with the artist-run TV-station tv-tv in Copenhagen. In 2005 they initiated the media archaeological festival The Art of the Overhead, an ongoing project which pays tribute to the almost forgotten medium of the overhead projector.
About Kristoffer Gansing (SE)
Kristoffer Gansing (SE) is a researcher at K3, School of Arts & Communication, Malmö Univ, with a research project on Transversal Media Practices, dealing with the articulation of old and new media forms and practices across art, activism and the everyday in the cultural production of network culture.
About Linda Hifling (DK)
Linda Hilfling (DK) is an artist who works with the premises of participation and public spaces within media structures, with a focus on means of control (codes, organisation and law) and their cultural impact. Her artistic practice takes the form of interventions reflecting upon or revealing hidden gaps in such structures.
The two talks will proceed for 30 min for each speaker followed by short Q&A’s. Finally there’ll be a joint discussion. Tea and refreshments will be served.