Centre for Internet & Society

I want to explore the border between the urge to act and the collective irresponsibility created by online media. In initial stages of the spread of digital communication methods, they can empower, and if used smartly, they can create changes even in the more digitalized communities/countries. However, there is a big 'but': collective irresponsibility - the potential for change has in many societies become diffused into pointless social networking, which creates only passive supporters for a cause but does not lead to any positive action. I want to look at the choices we have to make and how we can learn from communities that are not so digitized in order to 'remember' where our power for change lies.

Video Genre: Documentary / film

Lyuba Guerassimova

Coming Soon





Hi there! I am a 25 year old student from Bulgaria and my video has been inspired from all the revolutions happening around us and how their success or failure is attributed to Facebook, Twitter, etc. However, I have remained very skeptical, even more so when it comes to my country and online campaigns - the public has been relying on the Internet as a method of self expression but has forgotten how to act. As a result, from 10 000 supporters online, only 50 show up for a protest. It is inspired by the overall theme of Book 3 of the Digital AlterNatives with a Cause (published by Centre for Internet & Society and HIVOS) and the essay stories where communities are empowered by technology.

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