Methods for Social Change
Denisse Albornoz
Nov 30, 2013
last modified
Apr 17, 2015 10:42 AM
filed under:
Researchers at Work,
Web Politics,
Making Change,
Digital Natives
On this brief introduction, I outline the main targets of my research project for CIS and the HIVOS Knowledge Program. As a response to the thought piece ‘Whose Change is it Anyway’ I will explore civic engagement among middle class youth over the course of the next 9 months by interviewing change makers and collectives that are part of multi-stakeholder projects in Bangalore.
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Digital Natives
Making Change
Mobility Shifts 2011 — An International Future of Learning Summit
Prasad Krishna
Nov 28, 2011
last modified
Mar 30, 2015 02:55 PM
filed under:
Researchers at Work,
Digital Knowledge
The summit was organised by the New School and sponsored by MacArthur Foundation and Mozilla. It was held from October 10 to October 16, 2011 at the New School, New York City.
Located in
Digital Natives
Pathways to Higher Education
Mobilizing Online Consensus: Net Neutrality and the India Subreddit
Sujeet George
Sep 27, 2016
last modified
Sep 27, 2016 04:52 AM
filed under:
Internet Studies,
RAW Blog,
Net Neutrality,
Researchers at Work
This essay by Sujeet George is part of the 'Studying Internet in India' series. The author offers a preliminary gesture towards understanding reddit’s usage and breadth in the Indian context. Through an analysis of the “India” subreddit and examining the manner and context in which information and ideas are shared, proposed, and debunked, the paper aspires to formulate a methodology for interrogating sites like reddit that offer the possibilities of social mediation, even as users maintain a limited amount of privacy. At the same time, to what extent can such news aggregator sites direct the ways in which opinions and news flows change course as a true marker of information generation responding to user inputs.
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Mock-Calling – Ironies of Outsourcing and the Aspirations of an Individual
Aug 06, 2015
last modified
Aug 06, 2015 05:00 AM
filed under:
Spaces of Digital,
Digital Labour,
Researchers at Work,
RAW Blog
This post by Sreedeep is part of the 'Studying Internets in India' series. He is an independent photographer and a Fellow at the Centre for Public Affairs and Critical Theory, Shiv Nadar University, Delhi. In this essay, Sreedeep explores the anxieties and ironies of the unprecedented IT/BPO boom in India through the perspective and experiences of a new entrant in the industry, a decade ago. The narrative tries to capture some of the radical
hedonistic consequences of the IT-burst on our lifestyles, imagination and aspirations delineated and fraught with layers of conscious deception and prolonged probation.
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Mrutyunjay Mishra - India Online: Measuring, Understanding, and Making Decisions about Internet in India (Delhi, September 01, 6 pm)
Sumandro Chattapadhyay
Aug 29, 2017
last modified
Aug 29, 2017 10:18 AM
filed under:
Researchers at Work,
Internet Studies,
RAW Events
With great pleasure we announce that Mrutyunjay Mishra, co-founder of Juxt-SmartMandate and India Open Data Association, will be the speaker for the September #FirstFriday event at the CIS office in Delhi. Mrutyunjay is a recognised expert in data-driven decision-making and a leading commentator on Indian consumer behaviour. His talk will focus on the evolution of measurement of users and activities in the Indian telecommunication and online market sectors, and will highlight the critical challenges and opportunities faced by public and private entities in reliably and timely measuring, understanding, and making commercial and policy decisions about 'India Online'. If you are joining us, please RSVP at the soonest as we have only limited space in our office.
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Multimedia Storytellers: Panel Discussion
Denisse Albornoz
Apr 16, 2014
last modified
Oct 24, 2015 02:26 PM
filed under:
Making Change,
Net Cultures,
Researchers at Work
This post brings three storytellers together to find points of intersection between their methods. The format will be that of a panel discussion and it features: Arjun Srivathsa from Pocket Science India, Ameen Haque from the Storywallahs, and Ajay Dasgupta from The Kahani Project. They discuss technology, interpretation and action in storytelling.
Located in
Digital Natives
Making Change
New Contexts and Sites of Humanities Practice in the Digital (Paper)
Puthiya Purayil Sneha
Jun 25, 2018
last modified
Dec 06, 2019 05:03 AM
filed under:
Digital Knowledge,
Digital Humanities,
Researchers at Work
The ubiquitous presence of the ‘digital’ over the couple of decades has brought with it several important changes in interdisciplinary forms of research and knowledge production. Particularly in the arts and humanities, the role of digital technologies and internet has always been a rather contentious one, with more debate spurred now due to the growth of fields like humanities computing, digital humanities (henceforth DH) and cultural analytics. Even as these fields signal several shifts in scholarship, pedagogy and practice, portending a futuristic imagination of the role of technology in academia and practice on the one hand, they also reflect continuing challenges related to the digital divide, and more specifically politics around the growth and sustenance of the humanities disciplines. A specific criticism within more recent debates around the origin story of DH in fact, has been its Anglo-American framing, drawing upon a history in humanities computing and textual studies, and located within a larger neoliberal imagination of the university and academia. While this has been met with resistance from across different spaces, thus calling for more diversity and representation in the discourse, it is also reflective of the need to trace and contextualize more local forms of practice and pedagogy in the digital as efforts to address these global concerns. This essay by Puthiya Purayil Sneha draws upon excerpts from a study on the field of DH and related practices in India, to outline the diverse contexts of humanities practice with the advent of the digital and explore the developing discourse around DH in the Indian context.
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New Modes and Sites of Humanities Practice
Puthiya Purayil Sneha
May 19, 2016
last modified
Jun 30, 2016 04:45 AM
filed under:
Digital Knowledge,
Mapping Digital Humanities in India,
Digital Humanities,
Researchers at Work
An extended survey of digital initiatives in arts and humanities practices in India was undertaken during the last year. Provocatively called 'mapping digital humanities in India', this enquiry began with the term 'digital humanities' itself, as a 'found' name for which one needs to excavate some meaning, context, and location in India at the present moment. Instead of importing this term to describe practices taking place in this country - especially when the term itself is relatively unstable and undefined even in the Anglo-American context - what I chose to do was to take a few steps back, and outline a few questions/conflicts that the digital practitioners in arts and humanities disciplines are grappling with. The final report of this study will be published serially. This is the sixth among seven sections.
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Noopur Raval and Rajendra Jadhav - Power Chronography of Food-Delivery Work
Noopur Raval and Rajendra Jadhav
Jan 15, 2020
last modified
May 19, 2020 06:33 AM
filed under:
Digital Labour,
Network Economies,
Researchers at Work,
Mapping Digital Labour in India
Working in the gig-economy has been associated with economic vulnerabilities. However, there are also moral and affective vulnerabilities as workers find their worth measured everyday by their performance of—and at—work and in every interaction and movement. This essay by Noopur Raval and Rajendra Jadhav is the fourth among a series of writings by researchers associated with the 'Mapping Digital Labour in India' project at the CIS, supported by the Azim Premji University, that were published on the Platypus blog of the Committee on the Anthropology of Science, Technology, and Computing (CASTAC).
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Not a Goodbye; More a ‘Come Again’: Thoughts on being Research Director at a moment of transition
Nishant Shah
Jun 15, 2014
filed under:
Researchers at Work,
Internet Studies,
As I slowly make the news of my transition from being the Research Director at the Centre for Internet and Society, Bangalore, to taking up a professorship at the Leuphana University, Lueneburg, Germany, there is a question that I am often asked: “Are you going to start a new research centre?” And the answer, for the most part, is “No.”
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