Centre for Internet & Society

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Domestic Work in the ‘Gig Economy’
by Aayush Rathi published Nov 14, 2019 last modified Dec 06, 2019 04:52 AM — filed under: , , , , ,
The CIS and Domestic Workers’ Rights Union (DWRU) are hosting a discussion on the ‘gig economy’ and domestic work on Saturday, November 16 at Student Christian Movement of India, Mission Road, Bangalore. This event is a part of a project supported by the Feminist Internet Research Network led by Association for Progressive Communication (APC) and the International Development Research Centre (IDRC), Canada.
Located in RAW
Blog Entry Sequoia India’s Designathon 2016
by Sumandro Chattapadhyay published Sep 17, 2016 — filed under: ,
Along with their annual hackathon, Sequoia India organised a designathon in Bangalore on September 10-11, 2016. The participants picked one of three tracks - gamification, information visualisation, and smart acceleration - and developed an interface design or clickable prototype or a demo video. Sumandro Chattapadhyay was invited to participate as a mentor for the information visualisation track.
Located in RAW
Blog Entry Who Owns Your Phone?
by Nishant Shah published Sep 18, 2016 — filed under: , , , ,
The capacity of companies to defy standards that work tells an alarming story of what we lose when we lose control of our devices.
Located in RAW
Blog Entry How Green is the Internet? The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
by Aishwarya Panicker published Sep 23, 2016 last modified Sep 23, 2016 05:02 AM — filed under: , ,
This essay by Aishwarya Panicker is part of the 'Studying Internet in India' series. The author draws attention to the fact that there is little data, debate, analysis, and examination of the environmental impact of the internet, which is true especially for India. She explores four central issue areas. First, as the third highest country in terms of internet use, what is the current environmental impact of internet usage in India? Second, are there any regulatory provisions that give prescriptive measures to data centres and providers? Third, do any global standards exist in this regard and finally, what future steps can be taken (by the government, civil society and individuals) to address this?
Located in RAW
Blog Entry Mobilizing Online Consensus: Net Neutrality and the India Subreddit
by Sujeet George published Sep 27, 2016 last modified Sep 27, 2016 04:52 AM — filed under: , , , ,
This essay by Sujeet George is part of the 'Studying Internet in India' series. The author offers a preliminary gesture towards understanding reddit’s usage and breadth in the Indian context. Through an analysis of the “India” subreddit and examining the manner and context in which information and ideas are shared, proposed, and debunked, the paper aspires to formulate a methodology for interrogating sites like reddit that offer the possibilities of social mediation, even as users maintain a limited amount of privacy. At the same time, to what extent can such news aggregator sites direct the ways in which opinions and news flows change course as a true marker of information generation responding to user inputs.
Located in RAW
Blog Entry Love in the Time of Tinder
by Nishant Shah published Oct 17, 2016 — filed under: ,
Service providers and information aggregators mine our information and share it in ways that we cannot imagine.
Located in RAW
March 2017 Newsletter
by Prasad Krishna published Mar 31, 2017 last modified May 20, 2017 12:47 PM — filed under: , , , ,
Welcome to March 2017 newsletter of the Centre for Internet & Society (CIS).
Located in About Us / Newsletters
Blog Entry Between the Stirrup and the Ground: Relocating Digital Activism
by Nishant Shah published Aug 23, 2011 last modified Oct 25, 2015 05:58 AM — filed under: , , , , ,
In this peer reviewed research paper, Nishant Shah and Fieke Jansen draws on a research project that focuses on understanding new technology, mediated identities, and their relationship with processes of change in their immediate and extended environments in emerging information societies in the global south. It suggests that endemic to understanding digital activism is the need to look at the recalibrated relationships between the state and the citizens through the prism of technology and agency. The paper was published in Democracy & Society, a publication of the Center for Democracy and Civil Society, Volume 8, Issue 2, Summer 2011.
Located in RAW
Blog Entry Material Cyborgs; Asserted Boundaries: Formulating the Cyborg as a Translator
by Nishant Shah published Nov 07, 2011 last modified Oct 25, 2015 05:57 AM — filed under: , , , , ,
In this peer reviewed article, Nishant Shah explores the possibility of formulating the cyborg as an author or translator who is able to navigate between the different binaries of ‘meat–machine’, ‘digital–physical’, and ‘body–self’, using the abilities and the capabilities learnt in one system in an efficient and effective understanding of the other. The article was published in the European Journal of English Studies, Volume 12, Issue 2, 2008. [1]
Located in RAW
Blog Entry Digital Humanities for Indian Higher Education
by Sara Morais and Subhashish Panigrahi published Jul 18, 2013 last modified Apr 17, 2015 10:53 AM — filed under: , , ,
The digital age has had a huge impact on higher education in the last decade transforming the modalities of both teaching and research. To discuss these changes and what it means for research work, a multidisciplinary consultation was held at the Indian Institute of Science in Bangalore on July 13, 2013.
Located in Digital Natives
Technology, Social Justice and Higher Education

Since the last two years, we at the Centre for Internet and Society, have been working with the Higher Education Innovation and Research Applications at the Centre for the Study of Culture and Society, on a project called Pathways to Higher Education, supported by the Ford Foundation.

Posted by Prasad Krishna at Dec 07, 2011 03:35 AM |
Mobility Shifts 2011 — An International Future of Learning Summit

The summit was organised by the New School and sponsored by MacArthur Foundation and Mozilla. It was held from October 10 to October 16, 2011 at the New School, New York City.

Posted by Prasad Krishna at Nov 28, 2011 08:50 AM |
Learn it Yourself

The peer-to-peer world of online learning encourages conversations and reciprocal learning, writes Nishant Shah in an article published in the Indian Express on 30 October 2011.

Posted by Nishant Shah at Dec 02, 2011 01:55 AM |
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