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Gaming and Gold - An Introduction
Arun Menon in this first entry, provides a brief description of the area of study and the questions that need to be engaged with in the course of this study.
Fill The Gap: Global Discussion on Digital Natives
More often than not people don't understand the new practices inspired by Internet and digital technologies. As such a series of accusations have been leveled against the Digital Natives. Educators, policy makers, scholars, and parents have all raised their worries without hearing out from the people they are concerned about. Hivos has initiated an online global discussion about Digital Natives. So, to voice your opinion, start tweeting with us now #DigitalNatives.
When Whistle Blowers Unite
Leaking corporate or government information in public interest through popular Web service providers is risky but is one option that you could try out.
Inquilab 2.0? Reflections on Online Activism in India*
Research and activism on the Internet in India remain fledgling in spite the media hype, says Anja Kovacs in her blog post that charts online activism in India as it has emerged.
Wikiwars: 12th, 13th January, Bangalore
The Centre for Internet and Society and the Institute of Network Cultures brought together a critical range of scholars, academicians, practitioners, artists and researchers to inquire into the new conditions which emerge with the rise of Wikipedia. The first of two events, WikiWars was the beginning of a knowledge network that shall contribute to a reader titled Critical Point of View, becoming the first resource tool to engage creatively and fruitfully with the diverse range of questions that surround Wikipedia.
Openness, Videos, Impressions
The one day Open Video Summit organised by the Centre for Internet & Society, iCommons, Open Video Alliance, and Magic Lantern, to bring together a range of stakeholders to discuss the possibilities, potentials, mechanics and politics of Open Video. Nishant Shah, who participated in the conversations, was invited to summarise the impressions and ideas that ensued in the day.
CIS comments on WIPO Treaty
Nirmita Narasimhan of CIS has given her reply comments to the US Copyright Office's call for comments on the proposed WIPO draft proposal to facilitate access to copyrighted works for persons who are blind or have other reading disabilities, in response to the Federal Register Notice of October 13, 2009.
Statement of CIS on the Matter of the Treaty for the Blind
Presented by Nirmita Narasimhan at the 19th WIPO Standing Committee on Copyright and Related Rights in Geneva on 18th December 2009.
Web Accessibility Policy Making: An International Perspective – A G3ict White Paper
G3ict Publishes International Survey of Web Accessibility Policies White Paper by the Centre for Internet & Society, Bangalore, India
Open Content and Access in the Knowledge Society
Open Content and Access: Democratising and Disruptive Impacts on the Knowledge Society - by Madanmohan Rao, Editor, The KM Chronicles - Bangalore; Dec 16, 09
Breaks and Ruptures: In the midst of IT
In this first story, Nishant looks at the ways in which internet technologies shape multiple imaginations. In the narration of the story, the contextualisation and the responses that the story-tellers make apparent, he located the internet in the midst of contestation, as it restructures social boundaries, traditions and communities. The story of an 'internet wedding' that stands as an iconic landmark for different generations, looking upon the Internet as a radical catalyst for change, lays out the first foundations for the framework of transformation and invisibility this project has embarked upon.
Re:wiring Bodies: Call for Review
Dr. Asha Achuthan's research project on "Rewiring Bodies" is a part of the Researchers @ Work Programme at the Centre for Internet and Society, Bangalore. From her vantage position, straddling the disciplines of medicine an Cultural Studies, through a gendered perspective. Dr. Achutan historicises the attitudes, imaginations and policies that have shaped the Science-Technology debates in India, to particularly address the ways in which emergence of Internet Technologies have shaped notions of gender and body in India.
A provisional definition for the Cultural Last Mile
In the first of his entries, Ashish Rajadhyaksha gives his own spin on the 'Last Mile' problem that has been at the crux of all public technologies. Shifting the terms of debate away from broadcast problems of distance and access, he re-purposes the 'last mile' which is a communications problem, to make a cultural argument about the role and imagination of technology in India, and the specific ways in which this problem features in talking about Internet Technologies in contemporary India.
Privacy, pornography, sexuality (a video)
The video is an attempt to use the material collected for purposes of provoking a discussion around privacy, pornography, sexuality and technology. It focuses largely on an Indian context, which most viewers would be familiar with. The video is pegged around the ban of Savita Bhabhi – a pornographic comic toon – but uses that to open up a discussion on various incidents and concepts in relation to pornography and privacy across Asia.
Open Video Summit
The Open Video Summit: A one-day workshop to explore issues of intellectual property and telecom policy for video is being organized by The Centre for Internet and Society (CIS), iCommons, Open Video Alliance and Magic Lantern on December 15, 2009 at TERI, Bangalore, from 9am to 6pm.
ICT, transaction cost and development: The flip side
Prof. Pradoshnath from NISTADS was at CIS, Bangalore on Nov 25th, 2009 and gave a presentation on ICT, transaction cost and development: The flip side. His bio and the abstract of the talk are given in this blog.
Creative Commons Casestudies, Featuring Status.Net
The Centre For Internet and Society and JAAGA organised a CC Salon on 02nd December, 2009 at 7.30pm.
Developments in spectrum sharing
New ways to share spectrum can revolutionise broadband in India - An article in the Business Standard by Shyam Ponappa / New Delhi December 3, 2009, 1:35 IST
Right to Knowledge for Persons with Print Impairment: A Proposal to Amend the Indian Copyright Regime
This research paper argues the need for amending Indian Copyright provisions for enabling the print impaired to gain access to published works. The paper was submitted to the Ministry of Human Resource and Development in November to appraise it of the needs of the print disabled community. It is up for public comments and we welcome your feedback for this ongoing campaign.
A Report on National Conference on ICTs for Differently Abled / Under privileged Communities in Education, Employment & Entreprenuership 2009
This is a report about the National Conference on ICTs for the differently abled / under privileged communities in education, employment and entreprenuership which was held at Loyola College in Chennai from 1 to 3 December 2009.