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You Have the Right to Remain Silent
Reflecting upon the state of freedom of speech and expression in India, in the wake of the shut-down of the political satire website
Parsing the Cyber Security Policy
An effective cyber-security policy must keep up with the rapid evolution of technology, and must never become obsolete. The standard-setting and review bodies will therefore need to be very nimble, says Chinmayi Arun.
CII Conference on "ACT": Achieve Cyber Security Together"
The Confederation of Indian Industries (CII) organized a conference on facing cyber threats and challenges at Hotel Hilton in Chennai on July 13, 2013. Kovey Coles attended this conference and shares a summary of the event in this blog post.
The ASSOCHAM International Conference on the "Interface between Intellectual Property and Competition Law"
An international conference on interface between intellectual property and competition law was organized by ASSOCHAM on July 12, 2013 in New Delhi. In this post, Nehaa Chaudhari shares select notes from the conference.
DSCI Best Practices Meet 2013
The DSCI Best Practices Meet 2013 was organized on July 12, 2013 at Hyatt Regency, Anna Salai in Chennai. Kovey Coles attended the meet and shares a summary of the happenings in this blog post.
Interview with Mr. Reijo Aarnio - Finnish Data Protection Ombudsman
Maria Xynou recently interviewed Mr. Reijo Aarnio, the Finnish Data Protection Ombudsman, at the CIS' 5th Privacy Round Table. View this interview and gain an insight on recommendations for better data protection in India!
Digital Humanities for Indian Higher Education
The digital age has had a huge impact on higher education in the last decade transforming the modalities of both teaching and research. To discuss these changes and what it means for research work, a multidisciplinary consultation was held at the Indian Institute of Science in Bangalore on July 13, 2013.
CIS Cybersecurity Series (Part 7) - Jochem de Groot
CIS interviews Jochem de Groot, former policy advisor to the Netherlands government, as part of the Cybersecurity Series
Can India Trust Its Government on Privacy?
In response to criticisms of the Centralized Monitoring System, India’s new surveillance program, the government could contend that merely having the capability to engage in mass surveillance won’t mean that it will. Officials will argue that they will still abide by the law and will ensure that each instance of interception will be authorized.
How Surveillance Works in India
When the Indian government announced it would start a Centralized Monitoring System in 2009 to monitor telecommunications in the country, the public seemed unconcerned. When the government announced that the system, also known as C.M.S., commenced in April, the news didn’t receive much attention.
CIS Cybersecurity Series (Part 6) - Lhadon Tethong
CIS interviews Lhadon Tethong, Tibetan human rights activist, as part of the Cybersecurity Series
Moving Towards a Surveillance State
The cyberspace is a modern construct of communication and today, a large part of human activity takes place in cyberspace. It has become the universal platform where business is executed, discourse is conducted and personal information is exchanged. However, the underbelly of the internet is also seen to host activities and persons who are motivated by nefarious intent.
India:Privacy in Peril
The danger of mass surveillance in India is for real. The absence of a regulating law is damning for Indians who want to protect their privacy against the juggernaut of state and private surveillance.
Towards Critical Tool-building
The last blogpost focused on the importance of design for digital humanities research and on the concept of universal design to make research work more inclusive as well as more accessible, the visual being something that digital humanities stress the importance of in their work. But research work has always been put into form, so aesthetics have played a role in traditional humanities work. What has changed and why is there a self-proclaimed shift towards design in the digital humanities?
Telugu Wiki Academy at Centre for Good Governance
An account of the Telugu Wiki Academy organized for the staff of Centre for Good Governance, Hyderabad on April 9, 2013 at their Jubilee Hills premises.
CIS Cybersecurity Series (Part 5) - Amelia Andersdotter
CIS interviews Amelia Andersdotter, member of the European parliament, as part of the Cybersecurity Series
CIS Cybersecurity Series (Part 4) - Marietje Schaake
CIS interviews Marietje Schaake, member of the European parliament, as part of the Cybersecurity Series
CIS Cybersecurity Series (Part 3) - Eva Galperin
CIS interviews Eva Galperin, Global Policy Analyst at the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF).
The Difficult Balance of Transparent Surveillance
Is it too much to ask for transparency in data surveillance? On occasion, companies like Microsoft, Facebook, and the other silicon valley giants would say no. When customers join these services, each company provides their own privacy statement which assures customers of the safety and transparency that accompanies their personal data.
Building Up vs Tearing Down
We have to find ways to deal with corruption without subverting our developmental aims.