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Methods for Social Change
On this brief introduction, I outline the main targets of my research project for CIS and the HIVOS Knowledge Program. As a response to the thought piece ‘Whose Change is it Anyway’ I will explore civic engagement among middle class youth over the course of the next 9 months by interviewing change makers and collectives that are part of multi-stakeholder projects in Bangalore.
Public Art, Technology and Citizenship - Blank Noise Project
Jasmeen Patheja speaks about the active citizen in the digital age, its challenges in the public and private spheres and interdisciplinary methods to overcome them.
CIS-A2K Narrative Report (September 2012 – June 2013)
This narrative report captures the work done by the Access to Knowledge (CIS-A2K) team in the first ten months of the grant. The report also throws some light on the CIS-A2K program strategy in the next one year.
Digitally Enhanced Civil Resistance
This reflection looks at how civil disobedience unfolds in network societies. It explores the origins of nonviolence, describes digital and non-digital tactics of non-violent protest and participation and finally comments on the possibilities of this form of civil resistance to foster individual and collective civic engagement.
Seventh Privacy Round-table
On October 19, 2013, the Centre for Internet and Society (CIS) in collaboration with the Federation for Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry, the Data Security Council of India, and Privacy International held a “Privacy Round-table” in New Delhi at the FICCI Federation House.
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Dr. U.B. Pavanaja wrote an article highlighting 10 years of Kannada Wikipedia. Kannada Wikipedia started in the year 2003 and now it has completed 10 years. The article highlights the current status of the Kannada Wikipedia vis-a-vis number of articles, number of editors, active editors, and page views per month.
CIS Signs MoU with Christ University, Bangalore
The Centre for Internet and Society's Access to Knowledge (CIS-A2K) team has signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with Christ University in Bangalore. As part of this MoU Christ University and CIS-A2K will work together to introduce "Wikipedia in the Indian Undergraduate Language Classroom" at Christ University.
Why 'Facebook' is More Dangerous than the Government Spying on You
In this article, Maria Xynou looks at state and corporate surveillance in India and analyzes why our "choice" to hand over our personal data can potentially be more harmful than traditional, top-down, state surveillance. Read this article and perhaps reconsider your "choice" to use social networking sites, such as Facebook.
First Look: CIS Cybersecurity documentary film
CIS presents the trailer of its documentary film DesiSec: Cybersecurity & Civil Society in India
Predictability in Infrastructure
Systematic planning and execution can reduce the need for crisis management in infrastructure and manufacturing.
Train The Trainer Programme for Wikipedians
Twenty Wikimedians from 10 cities speaking 8 languages attended the 4-day Train-The-Trainer (TTT) programme conducted last month by the Centre for Internet and Society's Access To Knowledge programme (CIS-A2K) at Bangalore. The programme aimed to improve and enhance Wikipedians' skills for outreach and community-building activities.
Train the Trainer Program
Wikipedians, about 20 of them, from 10 different cities, speaking 8 different languages, joined together for the first ever four days "Train the Trainer Program" organised by the Centre for Internet and Society's Access to Knowledge (CIS-A2K) team in Bangalore from October 3 to 6, 2013.
Priyadarshini Tadkodkar on Konkani language
CIS-A2K team interviewed Priyadarshini Tadkodkar about Konkani language. She speaks how editing/contributing to Konkani Wikipedia would help students.
CIS Cybersecurity Series (Part 12) - Namita Malhotra
CIS interviews Namita Malhotra, researcher and lawyer at Alternative Law Forum, Bangalore, as part of the Cybersecurity Series.
Konkani Vishwakosh Under CC-BY-SA
Upon CIS-A2K's explicit request, Goa University has approved the re-release of Konkani Vishwakosh under the Creative Commons License (CC-BY-SA 3.0) to make it freely available to public and giving them the right to share, use and even build upon the work that has already been done. This is a huge step to help preserve Konkani language and culture in digital era and will also feed into building of Konkani Wikipedia.
Konkani Vishwakosh Digitization Project
Goa University in collaboration with the Centre for Internet & Society’s Access to Knowledge Programme (CIS-A2K) is digitizing Konkani Vishwakosh. In this project CIS-A2K will work with group of individuals who will help digitize the encyclopedia in a time bound manner. All 3632 pages of Konkani Vishwakosh will be digitized.
National Resource Kit: The Tripura Chapter (Call for Comments)
The National Resource Kit team is pleased to bring you its research on the state of laws, policies and programmes for persons with disabilities in the state of Tripura.
National Resource Kit: The Nagaland Chapter (Call for Comments)
The National Resource Kit team is pleased to bring you its research on the state of laws, policies and programmes for persons with disabilities in the state of Nagaland.
History of Creative Commons in India
This blog-post discusses the potential for Creative Commons in India, in light of imminent Creative Commons Re-launch, by highlighting the history of works licensed under Creative Commons in the country.
Interview with Caspar Bowden - Privacy Advocate and former Chief Privacy Adviser at Microsoft
Maria Xynou recently interviewed Caspar Bowden, an internationally renowned privacy advocate and former Chief Privacy Adviser at Microsoft. Read this exciting interview and gain an insight on India's UID and CMS schemes, on the export of surveillance technologies, on how we can protect our data in light of mass surveillance and much much more!