Centre for Internet & Society

Government of Odisha adopting Creative Commons License to Promote Transparency and Access to Knowledge

by Sailesh Patnaik

This year started with an astonishing announcement by the Government of Odisha towards the free knowledge movement. On the Public Domain day, which is celebrated every year on 1st January, The Government of Odisha continuing its collaboration with the Odia Wikipedia community has announced to release the content of its two major departments under Creative Commons license.

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Submission to DIPP at Meeting with IP Stakeholders

by Anubha Sinha

Centre for Internet & Society (CIS) made a submission to the Department of Industrial Planning and Promotion (DIPP) on 7 December 2017.

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Marathi Wikipedia workshop for Sandarbh Science magazine writers

by Manasa Rao

A Marathi Wikipedia workshop was recently conducted for the writers at Sandarbh Science magazine.

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CIS' Submission to DIPP and CGPDTM at meeting with IP Stakeholders

by Anubha Sinha

The Office of the Controller General of Patents, Designs and Trademarks held a meeting with IP stakeholders on December 7, 2017, chaired by the Secretary, DIPP, to take suggestions on improving procedures and functioning of the Office. Anubha Sinha attended the meeting and requested the DIPP to improve compliance of uploading Form 27s by patentees and ensure proper enforcement of related provisions within the Indian Patent Act, 1970. Additionally, we sent a detailed submission to the Office, drawing from our recent research. Thanks to Rohini Lakshane and Aman Goyal for their inputs.

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Wikipedia Orientation Program at Rotary Club of Salem

by Manasa Rao

CIS-A2K in conjunction with the Rotary Club of Salem, Tamil Nadu conducted a two-day Wikipedia orientation workshop for student members of the club.

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