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Google’s privacy policy raises hackles
by Prasad Krishna published Jan 30, 2012 — filed under: ,
Have you ever used Google to search for a restaurant while you were logged in its network using your Google id? Or shared information about your trip to Goa with your friends on Google +? Or watched belly dance on YouTube? Or looked for Sunny Leone pictures on Google images? If yes, Google knows about it. Javed Anwer wrote on article on this. It is published in the Times of India on 26 January 2012.
Located in News & Media
Blog Entry Privacy Matters — Analyzing the Right to "Privacy Bill"
by Natasha Vaz published Jan 28, 2012 last modified Feb 15, 2012 04:27 AM — filed under: , , , ,
On January 21, 2012 a public conference “Privacy Matters” was held at the Indian Institute of Technology in Mumbai. It was the sixth conference organised in the series of regional consultations held as “Privacy Matters”. The present conference analyzed the Draft Privacy Bill and the participants discussed the challenges and concerns of privacy in India.
Located in Internet Governance
Google to change privacy policy to use personal info of users
by Prasad Krishna published Jan 27, 2012 last modified Jan 30, 2012 05:03 AM — filed under: , , ,
It is a warning for users of Google and other Social Networking sites. Who are using these sites for searching anything they want to know and sharing their personal life with friends, colleagues and relatives. If you have ever used Google for searching any place, restaurant or shared information about your personal life with your friends on Google and other social networking sites, or you have watched adult stuff on YouTube, if your answer is yes, Google knows about it. And according to its new privacy policy Google is going to put this information to some use. Sheetal Ranga's article was published in Punjab Newsline on 27 January 2012.
Located in News & Media
Whose Data is it Anyway?
by Prasad Krishna published Jan 18, 2012 last modified Apr 28, 2012 04:12 AM — filed under: , , ,
Tactical Technology Collective and the Centre for Internet & Society invite you to the second round of discussions of the Exposing Data Series at the CIS office in Bangalore on 24 January 2012. Siddharth Hande and Hapee de Groot will be speaking on this occasion.
Located in Internet Governance
Blog Entry Keeping it Private
by Nishant Shah published Jan 16, 2012 last modified Jan 27, 2012 03:50 AM — filed under: ,
As we disclose more information online, we must ask who might access it and why. This article by Nishant Shah was published in the Indian Express on Sunday, 15 January 2012.
Located in Internet Governance
NGO questions people's privacy in UID scheme
by Prasad Krishna published Jan 12, 2012 — filed under: ,
Taking a leaf out of the recommendations of the parliamentary standing committee on finance (SCF) that raised objections on the National Identification Authority of India Bill 2010, Delhi-based NGOs have called upon the Jharkhand government to stay the execution of UID projects in the state. Jaideep Deogharia's article was published in the Times of India on 11 January 2012.
Located in News & Media
Constitution of Group of Experts to Deliberate on Privacy Issues
by Prasad Krishna published Jan 04, 2012 — filed under: ,
It has been decided to constitute a Small Group of Experts under the Chairmanship of Justice A.P. Shah, Former Chief Justice, Delhi High Court, to identify the privacy issues and prepare a paper to facilitate authoring the Privacy Bill. The constitution of the proposed group and ToR are as follows:
Located in News & Media
Indecent Proposals
by Prasad Krishna published Dec 19, 2011 last modified Feb 14, 2012 06:13 AM — filed under: ,
If Kapil Sibal’s attempts to police net content fructify, it may even lead to a reversal of some of the forward-looking provisions of the Information Technology (IT) Act, 2000. The new proposal, for instance, will reverse Section 79 which protects intermediaries (websites and carriers) from being prosecuted or made liable for any objectionable content published. Says Pranesh Prakash, programme manager, Centre for Internet and Society: “Unfortunately, what Sibal says turns this upside down as they would now be held responsible for e-content.” Sibal wants to monitor content prior to publication.
Located in News & Media
Caught in the Web
by Prasad Krishna published Dec 12, 2011 — filed under: ,
Do we need a cyber Big Brother watching us? A look at both sides of the coin.
Privacy Matters — Analyzing the "Right to Privacy Bill"
by Natasha Vaz published Dec 05, 2011 last modified Apr 28, 2012 04:10 AM — filed under: , , ,
Privacy India in partnership with International Development Research Centre, Canada, Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay, the Godrej Culture Lab, Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai and the Centre for Internet and Society, Bangalore is organising "Privacy Matters", a public conference at IIT, Bombay on 21 January 2012.
Located in Internet Governance