A Street View of Private and the Public
Prashant Iyengar
Jun 04, 2011
last modified
Mar 21, 2012 09:34 AM
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Internet Governance,
Prashant Iyengar on how in the eyes of the law, the internet giant is like the homeless in India. This article was published by Tehelka on June 4, 2011.
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Internet Governance
Bloggers' Rights Subordinated to Rights of Expression: Cyber Law Expert
Elonnai Hickok
Jun 03, 2011
last modified
Mar 21, 2012 09:35 AM
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Internet Governance,
Vijayashankar, an eminent cyber law expert answers Elonnai Hickok’s questions on bloggers' rights, freedom of expression and privacy in this e-mail interview conducted on May 19, 2011.
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Internet Governance
Big Brother is Watching You
Sunil Abraham
Jun 01, 2011
last modified
Mar 21, 2012 09:32 AM
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IT Act,
Internet Governance
The government is massively expanding its surveillance power over law-abiding citizens and businesses, says Sunil Abraham in this article published by the Deccan Herald on June 1, 2011.
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Internet Governance
The Present — and Future — Dangers of India's Draconian New Internet Regulations
Anja Kovacs
May 31, 2011
last modified
Aug 02, 2011 07:22 AM
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Freedom of Speech and Expression,
Internet Governance,
The uproar surrounding India's Internet Control Rules makes clear that in the Internet age, as before, the active chilling of freedom of expression by the state is unacceptable in a democracy. Yet if India's old censorship regimes are to be maintained in this new context, the state will have little choice but to do just that. Are we ready to rethink the ways in which we deal with free speech and censorship as a society? Asks Anja Kovacs in this article, published in Caravan, 1 June 2011.
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Internet Governance
India Weighing Looser Web Rules
Prasad Krishna
May 30, 2011
last modified
May 31, 2011 12:23 PM
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Internet Governance
Indian authorities are considering revisions to new Internet regulations after criticism from free-speech advocates and companies like Google Inc. that fear they could be exposed to liability under the regime. This article by Amol Sharma was published in the Wall Street Journal on May 30, 2011.
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News & Media
May 2011 Bulletin
Prasad Krishna
May 29, 2011
last modified
Jul 30, 2012 10:23 AM
filed under:
Access to Knowledge,
Digital Natives,
Internet Governance,
Greetings from the Centre for Internet and Society! In this issue we are pleased to present you the latest updates about our research, upcoming events, and news and media coverage.
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About Us
Public data on the Web leaves much to be desired
Prasad Krishna
May 28, 2011
last modified
May 30, 2011 07:38 AM
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Internet Governance
Making government data accessible to all is a vital challenge, says Deepa Kurup in her article published in the Hindu on May 28, 2011.
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News & Media
Mobile education comes to villages
Prasad Krishna
May 27, 2011
last modified
May 30, 2011 05:49 AM
filed under:
Internet Governance
PEOPLE living in remote villages, trekking many miles to schools and colleges before dropping out, can now look forward to a tech option — mobile education. Education over mobile phones is vital in India, where the literacy rate according to 2011 census is 74.04 per cent, observers note. This article by Shayan Ghosh was published in Mail Today on May 27, 2011.
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News & Media
Google now stalks your street
Prasad Krishna
May 27, 2011
last modified
May 31, 2011 06:20 AM
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Internet Governance
Bangalore is the first city in the country to be mapped for Street View. This news was published by the Hindu on May 27, 2011.
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News & Media
Women in love with Facebook
Prasad Krishna
May 27, 2011
filed under:
Internet Governance
There’s one thing these days that determines the passion of the modern Indian woman: their ever-growing love affair with the internet. The article by L Subramani was published in the Deccan Herald on May 27, 2011.
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