Centre for Internet & Society

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Blog Entry Digital Gender: Theory, Methodology and Practice
by Nishant Shah published Mar 20, 2014 last modified Apr 07, 2014 04:07 AM — filed under: ,
Dr. Nishant Shah was a panelist at a workshop jointly organized by HUMlab and UCGS (Umeå Centre for Gender Studies) at Umeå University from March 12 to 14, 2014. He blogged about the conference.
Located in RAW / Digital Humanities
Blog Entry Indian WikiWomen celebrate Women’s History Month
by Netha Hussain published Apr 29, 2013 — filed under: , , , ,
March 2013 was a busy month for women Wikimedians in India, as we conducted various events, such as edit-a-thons and workshops to celebrate the presence of women in Wikimedia projects. The women Wikimedians, members of the Wikimedia India Chapter and the Access to Knowledge Team, brainstormed about the possible events, which we wanted to conduct to encourage women to participate and to increase the quality of articles related to Indian women in Wikipedias in English and the Indian languages.
Located in Openness / Blog