Centre for Internet & Society

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Blog Entry The 2010 Special 301 Report Is More of the Same, Slightly Less Shrill
by Pranesh Prakash published May 13, 2010 last modified Oct 03, 2011 05:37 AM — filed under: , , , , , , , , , ,
Pranesh Prakash examines the numerous flaws in the Special 301 from the Indian perspective, to come to the conclusion that the Indian government should openly refuse to acknowledge such a flawed report. He notes that the Consumers International survey, to which CIS contributed the India report, serves as an effective counter to the Special 301 report.
Located in Access to Knowledge / Blogs
Blog Entry The ASSOCHAM International Conference on the "Interface between Intellectual Property and Competition Law"
by Nehaa Chaudhari published Jul 22, 2013 last modified Jul 22, 2013 05:54 AM — filed under: ,
An international conference on interface between intellectual property and competition law was organized by ASSOCHAM on July 12, 2013 in New Delhi. In this post, Nehaa Chaudhari shares select notes from the conference.
Located in Access to Knowledge / Blogs
Blog Entry The Bilski Case - Impact on Software Patents
by Prasad Krishna published Aug 24, 2010 last modified Aug 23, 2011 03:24 AM — filed under: ,
The Supreme Court of the United States gave its decision in Bilski v Kappos on 28 June, 2010. In this case the petitioners’ patent application sought protection for a claimed invention that explains how commodities buyers and sellers in the energy market can protect, or hedge, against the risk of price changes. The Court in affirming the rejection by the Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit also held that the machine- or-transformation test is not necessarily the sole test of patentability. The Court’s ruling of abstract ideas as unpatentable and its admission that patents do not necessarily promote innovation and may sometimes limit competition and stifle innovation have provided a ray of hope. In the light of the developments, the Bilski decision as far as patentability of software is concerned may not be totally insignificant, says Krithika Dutta Narayana.
Located in Access to Knowledge / Blogs
The Broadcasting Treaty: A Solution in Search of a Problem?
by Prasad Krishna published Dec 10, 2014 last modified Jan 09, 2015 02:31 AM — filed under: ,
Nehaa Chaudhari was one of the speakers at this side event held on December 10, 2014.
Located in Access to Knowledge / News & Media
Blog Entry The city of Bhubaneswar is going Open
by Sailesh Patnaik published Mar 07, 2019 — filed under: ,
Bhubaneswar supporting the concept of Openness movement has joined as one of the ambassadors of the movement in the world by giving citizens the right to access the content online produced by the government and make use of the work.
Located in Access to Knowledge / Blogs
Blog Entry The Digital Classroom: Social Justice and Pedagogy
by Nishant Shah published Dec 23, 2011 last modified May 08, 2015 12:36 PM — filed under: , , , , , ,
What happens when we look at the classroom as a space of social justice? What are the ways in which students can be engaged in learning beyond rote memorisation? What innovative methods can be evolved to make students stakeholders in their learning process? These were some of the questions that were thrown up and discussed at the 2 day Faculty Training workshop for participant from colleges included in the Pathways to Higher Education programme, supported by Ford Foundation and collaboratively executed by the Higher Education Innovation and Research Application and the Centre for Internet and Society, Bangalore.
Located in Digital Natives / Pathways to Higher Education
The Digital Oxygen for Odia Language
by Prasad Krishna published Jul 09, 2016 — filed under: , ,
The article was published in My City Links on July 4, 2016.
Located in Access to Knowledge / News & Media
Blog Entry The Digital Protection of Traditional Knowledge: Questions Raised by the Traditional Knowledge Digital Library in India
by Sunil Abraham and Vidushi Marda published Dec 09, 2016 — filed under: ,
This is an edited version of part three of a study that considers the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR) through aspects of intellectual property in India, namely, mobile patents, free and open source software, and India's Traditional Knowledge Digital Library. Through these, it demonstrates the potential of the internet in realising ESCRs.
Located in Access to Knowledge / Blogs
The Dynamics of Education to Employment Journey: Opportunities and Challenges
by Prasad Krishna published Feb 04, 2014 last modified Apr 14, 2014 09:40 AM — filed under: , , ,
KIIT School of Management, KIIT Univeristy is holding the 7th National Management Convention 2014 at its campus in Bhubaneswar on February 21 and 22, 2014. T. Vishnu Vardhan and Subhashish Panigrahi have been invited to address the students of KIIT University.
Located in News & Media
Blog Entry The Fight for Digital Sovereignty
by Sunil Abraham published Oct 25, 2013 last modified Oct 25, 2013 07:29 AM — filed under: ,
It is time to incorporate free software principles to address the issue of privacy. Thanks to the revelations of Edward Snowden, a former contractor to the United States (US) National Security Agency (NSA) who leaked secrets about the agency’s surveillance programmes, a 24-year-old movement aimed at protecting the rights of software users and developers has got some fresh attention from policymakers.
Located in Access to Knowledge / Blogs