Address delivered during the IGF Closing Ceremony
Radha Rao
Nov 19, 2009
last modified
Aug 02, 2011 07:18 AM
filed under:
Internet Governance Forum
This address was delivered by Dr. Anja Kovacs, as a representative of civil society, to the IGF during its closing ceremony.
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Internet Governance
Report on the Fourth Internet Governance Forum for Commonwealth IGF
Pranesh Prakash
Feb 05, 2010
last modified
Feb 29, 2012 05:42 AM
filed under:
Internet Governance Forum,
Internet Governance
This report by Pranesh Prakash reflects on the question of how useful the IGF is in the light of meetings on the themes of intellectual property, freedom of speech and privacy.
Located in
Internet Governance
Best Bits 2012
Prasad Krishna
Nov 06, 2012
last modified
Dec 06, 2012 06:46 AM
filed under:
Internet Governance Forum,
Internet Governance
Best Bits organized a workshop at the IGF. It was held on November 3 and 4, 2012. Pranesh Prakash and Elonnai Hickok participated in the event.
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News & Media