Centre for Internet & Society

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Blog Entry Another Step towards Privacy Law
by Elonnai Hickok published Jan 18, 2018 — filed under: ,
A comparison between the 2012 experts’ report and the 2017 white paper on data protection.
Located in Internet Governance / Blog
Anti-harassment app wins hackathon for women
by Prasad Krishna published May 20, 2015 — filed under:
A team of four young women coders from Porta Allegra in Brazil has won the IGNITE International Girls Hackathon with an anti-harassment app called Não Me Calo, which means “I will not shut up”.
Located in Internet Governance / News & Media
Anti-Social Network
by Prasad Krishna published Mar 11, 2011 last modified Apr 01, 2011 03:59 PM — filed under:
Social media is driving teens to a reality they can't handle. This article by Max Martin was published in Mail Today on February 27, 2011.
Located in News & Media
Blog Entry Anti-Spam Laws in Different Jurisdictions: A Comparative Analysis
by Rakshanda Deka published Jul 02, 2015 — filed under: ,
This paper is divided into three sections. The first section puts forth a comparative table of the spam laws of five different countries - the United States of America, Australia, Canada, Singapore and the United Kingdom - based on eight distinct parameters- jurisdiction of the legislation, definition of ‘spam’, understanding of consent, labelling requirements, types of senders covered, entities empowered to sue, exceptions made and penalties prescribed. The second section is a brief background of the problem of spam and it attempts to establish the context in which the paper is written. The third section is a critical analysis of the laws covered in the first section. In an effort to spot the various loopholes in these laws and suggest effective alternatives, this section points out the distinctions between the various legislations and discusses briefly their respective advantages and disadvantages.
Located in Internet Governance / Blog
Blog Entry Anti-trafficking Bill may lead to censorship
by Swaraj Barooah and Gurshabad Grover published Jul 24, 2018 last modified Aug 02, 2018 01:59 PM — filed under: , ,
There are a few problematic provisions in the proposed legislation—it may severely impact freedom of expression.
Located in Internet Governance / Blog
Anushka finds support for her anti-litter tirade
by Admin published Jun 23, 2018 last modified Jun 23, 2018 01:11 AM — filed under:
She is well within her rights to shame the affluent man who threw plastic waste out of his swanky car, many say.
Located in Internet Governance / News & Media
Blog Entry Anvar v. Basheer and the New (Old) Law of Electronic Evidence
by Bhairav Acharya published Sep 30, 2014 last modified Dec 04, 2014 03:53 PM — filed under: , ,
The Supreme Court of India revised the law on electronic evidence. The judgment will have an impact on the manner in which wiretap tapes are brought before a court.
Located in Internet Governance / Blog
Any failure to resolve the Kashmir problem could lead the South Asia to a nuclear disaster
by Admin published Mar 03, 2019 — filed under:
World Kashmir Awareness (WKA) Board in its meeting on February 23, 2019 regrets the death of 45 Indian soldiers recently killed at Pulwama, Kashmir.
Located in Internet Governance / News & Media
Apps can give personal information to strangers
by Prasad Krishna published Aug 08, 2016 — filed under:
We love our apps. A study done last year, found that app usage in India has grown 131 per cent. But apps are notorious for accessing personal data and we’re obligingly careless with our privacy. Inadvertently, users give away third-parties access to their phone calls and right to operate cameras on their mobiles.
Located in Internet Governance / News & Media
April 2010 Bulletin
by Prasad Krishna published Apr 23, 2010 last modified Aug 13, 2012 04:51 AM — filed under: , , , , , ,
Greetings from the Centre for Internet and Society! We bring you updates of our research, events and news for the month of April 2010.
Located in About Us / Newsletters