Centre for Internet & Society

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Blog Entry Security: Privacy, Transparency and Technology
by Sunil Abraham published Aug 19, 2015 last modified Sep 15, 2015 10:53 AM — filed under: , , , ,
The Centre for Internet and Society (CIS) has been involved in privacy and data protection research for the last five years. It has participated as a member of the Justice A.P. Shah Committee, which has influenced the draft Privacy Bill being authored by the Department of Personnel and Training. It has organised 11 multistakeholder roundtables across India over the last two years to discuss a shadow Privacy Bill drafted by CIS with the participation of privacy commissioners and data protection authorities from Europe and Canada.
Located in Internet Governance / Blog
Blog Entry Smart City Policies and Standards: Overview of Projects, Data Policies, and Standards across Five International Smart Cities
by Kiran A. B., Elonnai Hickok and Vanya Rakesh published Jun 08, 2016 last modified Jun 11, 2016 01:29 PM — filed under: , , , , ,
This blog post aims to review five Smart Cities across the globe, namely Singapore, Dubai, New York City, London and Seoul, the Data Policies and Standards adopted. Also, the research seeks to point the similarities, differences and best practices in the development of smart cities across jurisdictions.
Located in Internet Governance / Blog
Blog Entry Submission by the Centre for Internet and Society on Revisions to ICANN Expected Standards of Behavior
by Vidushi Marda published Jun 29, 2016 last modified Jun 30, 2016 06:07 AM — filed under: , , , , ,
Prepared by Vidushi Marda, with inputs from Dr. Nirmita Narasimhan and Sunil Abraham.
Located in Internet Governance
Blog Entry CIS Submission to TRAI Consultation on Free Data
by Pranesh Prakash published Jun 30, 2016 last modified Jul 01, 2016 04:04 PM — filed under: , , , , , ,
The Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) held a consultation on Free Data, for which CIS sent in the following comments.
Located in Internet Governance / Blog