Centre for Internet & Society

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DIT's Response to RTI on Website Blocking
by Pranesh Prakash published Apr 07, 2011 last modified Aug 02, 2011 07:13 AM — filed under: , , ,
For the first time in India, we have a list of websites that are blocked by order of the Indian government. This data was received from the Department of Information Technology in response to an RTI that CIS filed. Pranesh Prakash of CIS analyzes the implications of these blocks, as well as the shortcomings of the DIT's response.
Located in Internet Governance / Blog
Blog Entry Rebuttal of DIT's Misleading Statements on New Internet Rules
by Pranesh Prakash published May 13, 2011 last modified Jul 11, 2012 01:18 PM — filed under: , , ,
The press statement issued on May 11 by the Department of Information Technology (DIT) on the furore over the newly-issued rules on 'intermediary due diligence' is misleading and is, in places, plainly false. We are presenting a point-by-point rebuttal of the DIT's claims.
Located in Internet Governance / Blog
Google Policy Fellowship Program: Asia Chapter
by Prasad Krishna published Feb 24, 2011 last modified Aug 02, 2011 07:34 AM — filed under: ,
For the ardent followers of free and open Internet and for those who love to debate on technology, media law and Internet-related policy issues, there is some good news. The Centre for Internet and Society, India is conducting a Google Policy Fellowship program this summer!
Located in Internet Governance / Blog
Privacy Matters — Conference Report
by Prasad Krishna published Jan 24, 2011 last modified Jan 27, 2011 10:22 AM — filed under: ,
A one-day conference on Privacy Matters was held on Sunday, 23 January 2011 at the National University of Juridical Sciences (NUJS) Law School in Kolkata. This was the first of a series of eleven conferences on ‘privacy’ that Privacy India is scheduled to host in different Indian cities from January to June this year. Members of Parliament, Sri Manoj Bhattacharya from the Revolutionary Socialist Party (RSP) and Sri Nilotpal Basu from the Communist Party of India (Marxist) CPI (M) spoke in the conference. Students, the civil society and lawyers also participated in it.
Located in Internet Governance / Blog / Privacy
'Privacy Matters', Ahmedabad: Conference Report
by Prasad Krishna published Mar 31, 2011 last modified Apr 04, 2011 04:45 AM — filed under: ,
On 26 March 2011, civil society, lawyers, judges, students and NGO’s, gathered together at the Ahmedabad Management Association to take part in 'Privacy Matters' – a public conference organised by Privacy India in partnership with IDRC and Research Foundation for Governance in India (RFGI) — to discuss the challenges of privacy in India, with an emphasis on national security and privacy. The conference was opened by Prashant Iyengar, head researcher at Privacy India and Kanan Drhu, director of RFGI. Mr. Iyengar explained Privacy India’s mandate to raise awareness of privacy, spark civil action, and promote democratic dialogue around privacy challenges and violations in India. RFGI is a think tank established in 2009 which aims to research, promote, and implement various reforms to improve the legal and political process in Gujarat and across India. ‘Privacy Matters – Ahmedabad’ is the third conference out of the eight that Privacy India will be hosting across India. The next conference will take place in Hyderabad on 9 April 2011. It will focus on human rights and privacy.
Located in Internet Governance / Blog / Privacy
Blog Entry India's untapped potential: Are a billion people losing out because of spectrum?
by Shyam Ponappa published Mar 29, 2011 last modified Dec 14, 2012 10:31 AM — filed under: ,
As one of the world’s fastest growing economies and with over 65% of its billion-plus population under 35, India has huge potential. But according to Shyam Ponappa of the Centre for Internet & Society, its spectrum management – the electromagnetic waves that are used from home appliances like microwaves and remote controls, to radios, cell phones, and of course, the internet – could be a huge barrier to the country’s economic and social development.
Located in Telecom / Blog
Digital Natives Workshop in Taipei: Only a Few Seats Left!!!
by Prasad Krishna published Jun 25, 2010 last modified Aug 04, 2011 10:29 AM — filed under: , , ,
The Centre for Internet and Society in collaboration with the Frontier Foundation is holding a three day Digital Natives workshop in Taipei from 16 to 18 August, 2010. The three day workshop will serve as an ideal platform for the young users of technology to share their knowledge and experience of the digital and Internet world and help them learn from each other’s individual experiences.
Located in Digital Natives / Blog
Blog Entry Digital Natives : Talking Back
by Nishant Shah published Aug 17, 2010 last modified May 15, 2015 11:50 AM — filed under: , , , , , ,
One of the most significant transitions in the landscape of social and political movements, is how younger users of technology, in their interaction with new and innovative technologised platforms have taken up responsibility to respond to crises in their local and immediate environments, relying upon their digital networks, virtual communities and platforms. In the last decade or so, the digital natives, in universities as well as in work spaces, as they experimented with the potentials of internet technologies, have launched successful socio-political campaigns which have worked unexpectedly and often without precedent, in the way they mobilised local contexts and global outreach to address issues of deep political and social concern. But what do we really know about this Digital Natives revolution?
Located in Digital Natives / Blog
Political is as Political does
by Nishant Shah published Aug 20, 2010 last modified Aug 04, 2011 10:30 AM — filed under: , , , , , , ,
The Talking Back workshop has been an extraordinary experience for me. The questions that I posed for others attending the workshop have hounded me as they went through the course of discussion, analysis and dissection. Strange nuances have emerged, certain presumptions have been questioned, new legacies have been discovered, novel ideas are still playing ping-pong in my mind, and a strange restless excitement – the kind that keeps me awake till dawning morn – has taken over me, as I try and figure out the wherefore and howfore of things. I began the research project on Digital Natives in a condition of not knowing, almost two years ago. Since then, I have taken many detours, rambled on strange paths, discovered unknown territories and reached a mile-stone where I still don’t know, but don’t know what I don’t know, and that is a good beginning.
Located in Digital Natives / Blog
Blog Entry On Talking Back: A Report on the Taiwan Workshop
by Prasad Krishna published Sep 09, 2010 last modified Jan 03, 2012 10:35 AM — filed under: ,
What does it mean to Talk Back? Who do we Talk Back against? Are we alone in our attempts or a part of a larger community? How do we use digital technologies to find other peers and stake-holders? What is the language and vocabulary we use to successfully articulate our problems? How do we negotiate with structures of power to fight for our rights? These were the kind of questions that the Talking Back workshop held in the Institute of Ethnology, Academia Sinica in Taiwan from 16 to 18 August 2010 posed.
Located in Digital Natives / Blog