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Blog Entry Trans Pacific Partnership and Digital 2 Dozen: Implications for Data Protection and Digital Privacy
by Shubhangi Heda published Jul 12, 2016 last modified Jul 12, 2016 07:56 AM — filed under: , , , , ,
In this essay, Shubhangi Heda explores the concerns related to data protection and digital privacy under the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) agreement signed recently between United States of America and eleven countries located around the pacific ocean region, across South America, Australia, and Asia. TPP is a free trade agreement (FTA) that emphasises, among other things, the need for liberalising global digital economy. The essay also analyses the critical document titled ‘Digital 2 Dozen’ (D2D), which compiles the key action items within TPP addressing liberalisation of digital economy, and sets up the relevant goals for the member nations.
Located in Internet Governance / Blog