Centre for Internet & Society

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Blog Entry Report on Training on the Use of eSpeak Hindi on Windows and Android Platforms
by Nirmita Narasimhan published May 28, 2015 last modified Jul 21, 2015 02:30 PM — filed under:
Indian Association for the Blind conducted a one day workshop on the use of eSpeak for Windows and Android platforms on May 28, 2015. Twenty-seven delegates attended the training programme held at Indian Association for the Blind, Delhi. Kaifee Asami was the trainer. The programme introduced eSpeak for reading and writing in Hindi on both computers and mobiles.
Located in Accessibility / Blog
Blog Entry Report on training workshop at NAB Delhi R K Puram
by Nirmita Narasimhan published Dec 19, 2014 last modified Jul 20, 2015 02:53 PM — filed under:
The workshop was held at the National Association for the Blind, Sector 5 R. K. Puram, New Delhi on December 17, 2014. The objective of the workshop was to help the staff members understand NVDA and its functioning with the Indian languages so that they efficiently attend to the queries of the visitors and the callers at helpdesk.
Located in Accessibility / Blog
Blog Entry Report on use of eSpeak Bengali with NVDA
by Nirmita Narasimhan published Nov 09, 2015 — filed under: , ,
NVDA team conducted a training programme at Turnstone Matruchaya, Siligudi, West Bengal from September 7 to 9, 2015. Fourteen delegates attended. Nirmal Verma was the language trainer.
Located in Accessibility / Blog
File Right to Knowledge for Persons with Print Impairment: A Proposal to Amend the Indian Copyright Regime
by Prasad Krishna last modified Dec 04, 2009 10:18 AM — filed under: ,
This re­search paper de­tails the need for an amend­ment of the pre­sent pro­vi­sions of Copy­right laws and help en­able the print im­paired gain ac­cess to pub­lished works. The paper was sub­mit­ted to the Min­istry of Human Re­source and De­vel­op­ment in Novem­ber to ap­praise it of the needs of the print dis­abled com­mu­ni­ty. The paper is up for pub­lic com­ments and we wel­come your feed­back for this on­go­ing cam­paign.
Located in Accessibility / Publications / Uploads
File Right to Knowledge for Persons with Print Impairment: A Proposal to Amend the Indian Copyright Regime
by Prasad Krishna last modified Aug 22, 2011 01:17 PM — filed under: ,
This re­search paper argues the need for amend­ing the Indian Copy­right provisions for en­abling the print im­paired to gain ac­cess to pub­lished works. The paper was sub­mit­ted to the Min­istry of Human Re­source and De­vel­op­ment in Novem­ber to ap­praise it of the needs of the print dis­abled com­mu­ni­ty. The paper is up for pub­lic com­ments and we wel­come your feed­back for this on­go­ing cam­paign.
Located in Accessibility / Publications
Blog Entry Statement of CIS on the Matter of the Treaty for the Blind
by Nirmita Narasimhan published Dec 22, 2009 last modified Jan 28, 2013 11:14 AM — filed under:
Presented by Nirmita Narasimhan at the 19th WIPO Standing Committee on Copyright and Related Rights in Geneva on 18th December 2009.
Located in Accessibility / Blog
Blog Entry Statement of CIS on the Work of the Committee in the 21st SCCR
by Nirmita Narasimhan published Nov 23, 2010 last modified May 29, 2014 06:57 AM — filed under: ,
The twenty-first session of the Standing Committee on Copyright and Related Rights was held in Geneva from 8 to 12 November 2010. Nirmita Narasimhan attended the conference and represented the Centre for Internet and Society.
Located in Access to Knowledge / Blogs
Blog Entry Technology for Accessibility in Higher Education
by Nirmita Narasimhan published Jan 29, 2012 last modified Jan 31, 2012 06:29 AM — filed under:
Education for students with disabilities has long been a serious cause of concern in India, as also in other countries around the world. A person with a disability studying in mainstream educational institutions in India experiences many difficulties in navigating through the obstacle course of the Indian educational system, writes Nirmita Narasimhan in this IIMB Journal brought out on the occasion of the conference 'never-the-less - Enabling Access for Persons with Disabilities to Higher Education and Workplace - Role of ICT and Assistive Technologies.
Located in Accessibility
Blog Entry Telugu eSpeak Training with NVDA
by Nirmita Narasimhan published Dec 02, 2014 last modified Jul 20, 2015 02:59 PM — filed under: ,
NVDA team conducted a two-day workshop at the Hyderabad Central University (HCU) for lecturers and students for reading and writing in Telugu using eSpeak with NVDA on December 1 and 2, 2014.
Located in Accessibility / Blog
The Accessibility Campaign--Intervention Where and How?
by Nirmita Narasimhan published Nov 25, 2008 last modified Aug 17, 2011 08:50 AM
As a follow up to our first meeting on a national policy for accessibility, this blog entry looks at some of the important international and national provisions that deal specifically with accessibility over the internet.
Located in Accessibility / Blog