Centre for Internet & Society

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Blog Entry Mapping Institutions of Intellectual Property: Part B — India's National Program on Intellectual Property Management
by Nehaa Chaudhari published Jun 26, 2014 last modified Jun 26, 2014 03:27 PM — filed under: ,
As a second part in the series on Mapping Institutions of Intellectual Property this blog post deals with the documents introduced at the Stakeholders’ Consultation for India’s National Program on Intellectual Property.
Located in Access to Knowledge / Blogs
Blog Entry Marathi Language Fortnight Workshops 2019
by Subodh Kulkarni published Feb 26, 2019 last modified Mar 01, 2019 12:39 AM — filed under: , , ,
Maharashtra is a state which is rich in diversity in terms of language and culture seen in its various regions such as Konkan, Marathwada, Western Maharashtra, Northern Maharashtra and Vidarbha. Awareness needs to be created to make Wikimedia movement inclusive and diverse in these geographical regions as well as in their social strata.
Located in Access to Knowledge / Blogs
Blog Entry Multimedia Storytellers: Panel Discussion
by Denisse Albornoz published Apr 16, 2014 last modified Oct 24, 2015 02:26 PM — filed under: , , , ,
This post brings three storytellers together to find points of intersection between their methods. The format will be that of a panel discussion and it features: Arjun Srivathsa from Pocket Science India, Ameen Haque from the Storywallahs, and Ajay Dasgupta from The Kahani Project. They discuss technology, interpretation and action in storytelling.
Located in Digital Natives / Making Change
Blog Entry My Bubble, My Space, My Voice workshop - Perspective and future
by Samuel Tettner published Nov 18, 2010 last modified Jan 03, 2012 10:32 AM — filed under: ,
The second workshop for the “Digital Natives with a Cause?” research project named “My Bubble, My Space, My Voice” took place at the Link Center of Wits University, in Johannesburg, South Africa from 6 November 2010 to 9 November 2010. Samuel Tettner, Digital Natives Co-cordinator shares his perspective on the workshop.
Located in Digital Natives / Blog
Blog Entry National Compendium of Laws, Policies, Programmes for Persons with Disabilities
by Nirmita Narasimhan published Jan 03, 2016 last modified Feb 05, 2016 02:16 AM — filed under: ,
This compendium was compiled by the Centre for Internet & Society in collaboration with the Office of the Chief Commissioner for Persons with Disabilities, Department of Disability Affairs, Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment, Government of India. Prasanna Kumar Pincha, Chief Commissioner for Persons with Disabilities, has written the Foreword.
Located in Accessibility / Blog
Blog Entry National IPR Policy Series : CIS Comments to the First Draft of the National IP Policy
by Nehaa Chaudhari published Feb 04, 2015 last modified Feb 09, 2015 12:59 AM — filed under: , , , ,
The Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion, Government of India invited comments on the First Draft of India's National IPR Policy. The Centre for Internet & Society (CIS) made this submission. The comments were prepared by Nehaa Chaudhari, Pranesh Prakash and Anubha Sinha. We also thank our intern, Varnika Chawla for her assistance.
Located in Access to Knowledge / Blogs
Blog Entry National IPR Policy Series: RTI Requests by CIS to DIPP + DIPP Responses
by Nehaa Chaudhari published Apr 15, 2015 last modified Apr 26, 2015 08:47 AM — filed under: , , , , , , , ,
In earlier blog posts, we have discussed the development of India’s National IPR Policy (“the Policy”); comments by the Centre for Internet and Society (“CIS”) to the IPR Think Tank before the release of the first draft of the Policy and CIS’ comments to the IPR Think Tank in response to the first draft of the Policy. Continuing our National IPR Policy Series, this article documents our requests to the Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion (“DIPP” / “the Department”) under the Right to Information (“RTI”) Act, 2005 and the responses of the Department.
Located in Access to Knowledge / Blogs
Blog Entry National Resource Kit : The Kerala Chapter (Call for Comments)
by Anandhi Viswanathan published Dec 31, 2012 last modified Nov 07, 2013 06:20 AM — filed under: ,
The National Resource Kit team is pleased to bring you its research on the state of laws, policies and programmes for persons with disabilities in the state of Kerala.
Located in Accessibility / Blog
Blog Entry National Resource Kit : The West Bengal Chapter (Call for Comments)
by Anandhi Viswanathan published Feb 28, 2013 last modified Nov 07, 2013 06:19 AM — filed under: ,
The National Resource Kit team is pleased to bring you its research on the state of laws, policies and programmes for persons with disabilities in the state of West Bengal.
Located in Accessibility / Blog
Blog Entry National Resource Kit: The Lakshadweep Chapter (Call for Comments)
by Anandhi Viswanathan published Mar 25, 2013 last modified Feb 20, 2014 10:00 AM — filed under: ,
The National Resource Kit team is pleased to bring you its research on the state of laws, policies and programmes for persons with disabilities in the state of Lakshadweep.
Located in Accessibility / Blog