A meeting to create a plan of action for the development of e-Governance Interoperability Framework (e-GIF) in Iraq and include formulation of an e-GIF policy and technical document within the larger framework of public sector modernization, was held from 25 to 27 January 2011. Sunil Abraham was the main resource person for this meeting.
Mr. Abdul Kareem Al-Samaraii, Minister of Science and Technology and Mr. Peter Bachelor, Deputy Country Director, UNDP gave the opening remarks.

E-GIF Meeting Agenda, ERBIL, 25-27 January 2011
Tuesday 25/1/2011 |
08:30 – 09:00
Opening Remarks
- H.E. Mr Abdul Kareem Al-Samaraii, Minister of Science and Technology
- Mr. Peter Bachelor/ Deputy Country Director, UNDP
09:00 – 10:00
e-GIF overview
- Introducing the GIF: Benefits of Interoperability for e-Governance
- GIF Context
- GIF Technical Content: Standard Categorisation
- How we can Develop Effective GIF Policy Document and GIF Action Plan: Presentation on GIF templates (GIF text and action Plan) that required to be filled by the end of the workshop
10:00 – 10:30
Coffee Break
10:30 – 12:00
Survey and base-line for
- Map of existing and proposed e-governance and ICT4D projects.
- User Interface and accessibility
- Storage and database schema
- Multi-modal input and output
- Access control and security
- Network schema
- Document flow and work-flow
- Discussion on specific challenges and opportunities faced when attempting interoperability.
12:00 – 13:30
- Discussion on the co-existence of the GIF with existing/proposed laws and policies
- E-governance and ICT4D
- Copyright
- Patents (software only)
- FOSS/Open Standards/Open Content/Open Data
- Privacy and Data Protection
- Right to Information/Freedom of Information/Access to Information/Public Information
13:30 – 14:30
14:30 – 16:00
- Discussion on definition of “Open Standards”
- Existing definitions of Open Standards
- RAND, FRAND and Royalty Free
- De Facto and De Jure Standards
- Standards Setting Organisations
- Governance of Standards
- Single Standard vs. Multiple Standards
- Relationship between FOSS and Open Standards
- Review of international best practice
- European Union
- US
- Brazil
- Russia
- India
- Indonesia
- China
16:00 – 16:15
16.15 - 17.45
- Discussion on degree of openness
- Hardware/Software/File Formats
- Maturity of the standard
- Adoption in Iraq
- Policy Objectives of the GIF
- Neutral playing-field / vendor independence
- Obsolescence
- Data convergence
- Cost-reduction
- Domestic ICT industry
Wednesday 26/1/2011 |
08:30 – 10:00
- Discussion on Organisational Architecture to Interoperability:
- Enterprise Architecture
- Service Oriented Architecture
- Example on Germany’s Slandered and Architecture of E-Government Application (SAGA) that contain both the architecture and standard for interoperability / or any other relevant example
10.00 - 10.30
10.30 - 13.00
- Governance of the Government Interoperability Framework: Creating the GIF
- Organisational Structure: Authority/Agency/Ministerial Committee/Adjunct to the President/Prime Minister's office.
- Light vs. Heavy regulation: Broad principles vs. Lists approach [Inclusion lists, exclusion lists, least common denominator approach]
- Exemptions and Limitation: Reactive vs. proactive. Formal vs. informal.
- Versioning: Mechanism and time-frame for revising the GIF. Pre-determined
- Monitoring of Compliance: Agency responsible and protocol to be observed. Random vs. blanket approach.
- Sanctions: Design of remedies and punitive measures to discourage non-compliance.
- Incentives: Design of awards and prizes for those who comply first, most, at the least-cost, etc.
- Documentation and Public Consultation: How will the process of developing, implementing and monitoring the GIF incorporate public consultation and be documented.
- Capacity Building
13.00 - 14.00
14.00 - 15.30
- Discussion on specific standards for the GIF [categorization based on Indian GIF] with a focus on current problem areas (G2G, G2B)
- Presentation And Archival Domain
- Data Integration Domain
- Data Interchange Domain
15.30 - 15.45
15.45 - 17.15
- Discussion on specific standards for the GIF [categorization based on Indian GIF] with a focus on (G2C) and local Governorates and emerging areas
- Presentation And Archival Domain
- Data Integration Domain
- Data Interchange Domain
Thursday 27/1/2011 |
08.30 - 11.30
- Unplanned time for collaborative work on the text of the GIF
- Draft of E-GIF Action Plan and Working Groups
11.30 - 12.00
12.00 - 14.00
- Review on e-governance plan of action
- Out of GIF scope
14.00 - 14.30
- Workshop Closing Session and Looking Forward
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