Centre for Internet & Society

A Resource Sharing Mela and Meet of DCM (Document Centres Meet) at the Centre for Education & Documentation in Domlur, Bangalore.


18th Nov: 9.30 am to 20th Nov. 2 pm

Draft 3 ( to be finalised )                     

18th Nov. Multi-Media/New Media. AVs, Photos, Internet - blogs Managing Data

Akshara Class.; Mapping Data: Timbaktu experience- Anne Marie.
Knowledge in an Internet Era: Role of DCs in Info-digital Society: Avinash Jha -  KICS Sharing Session: Chair: Ashish Rajadhaksha
19th Nov. Print Media

Training Manuals, Newsletters, Posters etc

Producing Data:

Data generation tools used by Aalochana in PC4D, Jagori safety audit

Internet : Reclaiming Civil society on the Internet. Public domain V/s copyright: Sunil Abraham:

20th Nov.
Interactive Media:
Theatre, Melas?; Yuvati Mela: 

Marketing issues: Alvito; Mobile Libraries (Aalochana)

Workshop Banner



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