Centre for Internet & Society

Launch of Public Juris (An Online Archive of Legal Resources)

Posted by Aparna Balachandran at Nov 10, 2008 08:30 AM |

Aparna Balachandran, Rochelle Pinto, and Abhijit Bhattacharya announce the launch of Public Juris, an online archive of legal resources.

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First Meeting on a National Policy for Web Accessibility

Posted by Nirmita Narasimhan at Nov 07, 2008 12:05 PM |

The first meeting to discuss having a national policy for web accessibility to ensure universal and inclusive participation was held at the Centre for Internet and Society's office on 7 November 2008. It was aimed at formulating an action plan to work with the government and other private and public bodies to ensure conformity to accessibility standards for web sites.

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of doctors and maps - Snippet two

This may seem like a careless swipe at the volumes of critique of technology. And yet ... I need to know ...

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of doctors and maps - Snippet one

The clinic is not what it was. It is highly technologized, flooded with information systems. But what of the relationships it traditionally supported, between patient and doctor?

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The Anxiety of the Future and Internet Technologies

Posted by Nishant Shah at Nov 03, 2008 08:15 AM |

Nishant Shah and Sunil Abraham attended the "Writing the Future" conference organised by the Humanities Department at the IIT Delhi, and supported by the CIS and the Kusuma Trust. Nishant made a presentation at the conference entitled "Some Knowledge in Search of Authority: Cyberspace, Collaborations and Confusions".

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Writing the Future - IIT Delhi

Posted by Nishant Shah at Nov 03, 2008 07:51 AM |

The First Ever Asia-Pacific Festival of Writing: An internationally-supported event for emerging and established writers, scholars of contemporary literature from Asia and the Pacific, publishers, and all those interested in new writing from the region -- New Delhi and Shimla, India, October 2008

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Proposed WIPO Treaty for Improved Access for the Visually Impaired and Reading Disabled

Posted by Nirmita Narasimhan at Nov 02, 2008 04:55 AM |

The Centre for Internet and Society is organising a signature campaign in India to lobby Indian government support for the proposed WIPO Treaty for Improved Access for the Visually Impaired and Reading Disabled. Signatories so far include Vidyavriksha, National Association for the Blind (Delhi), Saksham, National Federation for the Blind, Samarthanam (Bangalore), Mitrajyoti (Bangalore), Accessibility, Score Foundation, Alternative Law Forum (Bangalore), Acrodelon Technologies, Barrier Break Technologies and Enable India. This is a call for all Indian organisations and individuals to become part of this global movement to secure the rights to full and complete access and participation of the visually and reading disabled community of the world.

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i4D Interview: Social Networking and Internet Access

Nishant Shah, the Director for Research at CIS, was recently interviewed in i4D in a special section looking at Social Networking and Governance, as a lead up to the Internet Governance Forum in December, in the city of Hyderabad.

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Meeting on National Policy for e-Access for All

Posted by Nirmita Narasimhan at Oct 31, 2008 05:35 AM |

The world over, there is a move towards making the internet more accessible for persons with visual and print disabilities and for elderly persons. Many countries like the USA and UK have adopted legislation to make adherence to web accessibility standards mandatory. In India we are still relatively unaware of the importance of web accessibility. On Nov 7, 2008 at 11:00 am, the Centre for Internet and Society will host a meeting at the CIS office to discuss strategies and a plan of action to launch a campaign for making web content accessibility standards mandatory in India.

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Open Access Day celebrated in India

Posted by Sunil Abraham at Oct 21, 2008 03:40 PM |
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The Centre for Internet and Society, Bangalore and the Centre for Culture, Media and Governance co-organised joint celebrations of Open Access Day in Jamia Millia Islamia campus on the 14th of October 2008. Around 50 people attended the event from different departments in Jamia there were also some participants from the Indian Linux Users Group. CIS also published an Open Access flyer on this day featuring quotations from Sam Pitroda, MS Swaminathan, Peter Suber, Alma Swan, Frederick Noronha, Barbara Kirsop and Samir Brahmachari.

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Unpacking technology - beginnings

Posted by Asha Achuthan at Oct 20, 2008 01:10 PM |

This is a work-in-progress that seeks to inaugurate a field of critical technology studies with the women-technology relationship as a unique entry point of investigation.

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The National Public Meeting on Software Patents

Posted by Pranesh Prakash at Oct 04, 2008 02:35 PM |

On Saturday, October 4, 2008, the Centre for Internet and Society, with the support of eighteen other organization, held a meeting on the National Public Meeting on Software Patents in the United Theological College campus. The aim of the event was to explore various issues surrounding software patents, especially from the perspective of the draft Patent Manual.

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Cyberspace in its Plurality: Cybercultures Workshop at TISS, Mumbai

Posted by Nishant Shah at Sep 23, 2008 05:35 PM |

Cyberspace has become one of the most potent and persuasive metaphors of our times, enveloping and embracing a wide range and scope of areas across disciplines and perspectives. The cybercultures workshop is designed to be an introduction to the multiplicity of cyberspaces and internet technologies and the key questions which have emerged in the almost four decades of cyberculture theory. The workshop is designed across four days; each day dealing with a certain understanding of cyberspace – in its materiality, in its imagination, in its instrumentality – in order to present a comprehensive view of the vast terrain of cyberspace and its intersections with the contemporary worlds we live in.

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A2K3 Panel XI: Open Access to Science and Research

Posted by Sunil Abraham at Sep 23, 2008 08:40 AM |
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Prof. Subbiah Arunachalam participated in the third Access to Knowledge hosted by The Information Society Project (ISP) at Yale Law School between September 8-10, 2008, in Geneva, Switzerland. The conference held at the Geneva International Conference Centre brought together hundreds of decision-makers and experts on global knowledge to discuss the urgent need for policy reforms.

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Essay Competition for Software Freedom Day

Posted by Sunil Abraham at Sep 22, 2008 12:15 PM |
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The Free Software Users Group of Bangalore and the Centre for Internet and Society in collaboration organise an essay competition for schools and colleges in Bangalore on the topic of "Software Freedom"

Storytelling and Technology - Sartaj Anand

Storytelling and Technology - Sartaj Anand

This post outlines the general characteristics of storytelling. The second section is an interview with Sartaj Anand, the founder of EgoMonk and BIllion Strong, who talks about storytelling as a strategy to build trust at the intersections of business and technology. This is the first of a series of installments exploring the potential of storytelling for social change.

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Reconceptualizing Privacy on Social Network(s) Sites

Posted by Rebecca Schild |
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While “privacy” on social network sites remains a highly ambiguous notion, much debate surrounding the issue to date has focused on privacy as the nonpublic-ness of personal information. However, as these social platforms become sites for diverse forms of “networking”, privacy must also be popularly conceptualized as control over personal data flows.

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Reclaiming the right to privacy: Researching the intersection of privacy and gender

It was our privilege to be supported by Privacy International, UK, during 2019-2020, to undertake a research project focusing on reproductive health and data surveillance, and to engage on related topics with national civil society groups. Our partner organisations who led some of the research as part of this project are grassroots actors - Domestic Workers Rights Union, Migrant Workers Solidarity Network, Parichiti, Samabhabona, Rainbow Manipur, and Right to Food Campaign. Here we are compiling the various works supported by this project co-led by Ambika Tandon, Aayush Rathi, and Sumandro Chattapadhyay at the Centre for Internet and Society, India.

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WIPO SCCR 41: Statement by CIS on the Protection of Broadcasting Organisations Agenda Item

Anubha Sinha delivered a statement on behalf of CIS, on day 1 of the 41st WIPO SCCR session on the Protection of Broadcasting Organisations Agenda Item.

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