Centre for Internet & Society

Pull the Plug

Pull the Plug

Posted by Prasad Krishna at Feb 21, 2011 09:25 AM |
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Is it time to start talking about the right to disconnect? There is so much expectation and focus on being connected to the internet, that it seems like we don't have a choice. This article by Nishant Shah was published in the Indian Express.

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The Class Question

Blank Noise aims to be as inclusive as possible and therefore does not identify any specific target groups. Yet, the spaces and the methods they occupy do attract certain kinds of volunteers and public. This raises the class question: what are the dilemmas around class on digital interventions? Are they any different from the dilemmas on street interventions?

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Diving Into the Digital

Posted by Maesy Angelina at Feb 18, 2011 10:55 AM |

Previous posts in the ‘Beyond the Digital’ series have discussed the non-virtual aspects and presence of Blank Noise. However, to understand the activism of digital natives also require a look into their online presence and activities. This post explores how Blank Noise’s engagement with the public in their digital realm.

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Withdrawal of Journal Access is a Wake-up Call for Researchers in the Developing World

Posted by Subbiah Arunachalam at Feb 18, 2011 10:50 AM |

Guest blog by Leslie Chan, Barbara Kirsop, Subbiah Arunachalam (Trustees for the Electronic Publishing Trust for Development). This article was published in Speaking of Medicine PLoS Medicine community blog on January 17, 2011.

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Open Letter to the Finance Committee: UID and Transactions

Posted by Prasad Krishna at Feb 17, 2011 01:15 PM |
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Since official documentation from the UIDAI is very limited, we assume that data pertaining to transactions would comprise of the Aadhaar number, identifier of the authenticating device, date-time stamp, and approval/rejection/error code. Recording and maintaining of data pertaining to transactions is very important because it increases transparency and accountability through an audit trail. However, storage of such sensitive data creates many privacy risks, because more often than not metadata gives you as much intelligence as raw data.

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Computer Science & Society – The Roles Defined

Posted by Samuel Tettner at Feb 17, 2011 07:00 AM |
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Computer Science has had a big impact on the growth of modern society. In today’s world keeping in mind the intersection between society and technology, creating powerful machines alone isn’t enough rather the role of computer science in society is undergoing a change, says Samuel Tettner in this blog post.

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Open Letter to the Finance Committee: Operational Design

Posted by Prasad Krishna at Feb 16, 2011 12:45 PM |
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The objective of the UID project is to provide identity infrastructure that is not susceptible to fraud or error. This note highlights parts of the operational design of the project, which are flawed. We plead that each point be taken into consideration and that the design be suitably revised.

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Open Letter to the Finance Committee: UID Budget

Posted by Prasad Krishna at Feb 16, 2011 12:15 PM |
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This note presents the aspects of the UID project, which have not been considered or incorporated into the UID’s budget. The costs include re-enrollment, loss in human time, and the cost of the audit function.

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Open Letter to the Finance Committe: Biometrics

Posted by Prasad Krishna at Feb 16, 2011 12:00 PM |
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This note points out the weaknesses inherent in biometrics and the pitfalls in using them. It recommends procedural safeguards that should be adopted by the UID in order to make the use of biometrics more secure and inclusive.

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Internet, Society & Space in Indian Cities - A Call for Peer Review

Posted by Prasad Krishna at Feb 15, 2011 01:25 PM |

Pratyush Shankar's research project on "Internet, Society & Space in Indian Cities" is a part of the Researchers @ Work Programme at the Centre for Internet and Society, Bangalore. His monograph explores the trajectories of transformation and perception of cities in India in context with the rise of Information Technologies for communication and presence of an active digital space.

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Internet, Society & Space in Indian Cities - A Call for Peer Review

Posted by Prasad Krishna at Feb 14, 2011 06:30 PM |

Pratyush Shankar's research project on "Internet, Society & Space in Indian Cities" is a part of the Researchers @ Work Programme at the Centre for Internet and Society, Bangalore. His monograph explores the trajectories of transformation and perception of cities in India in context with the rise of Information Technologies for communication and presence of an active digital space.

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Digital Natives with a Cause? —Workshop in Santiago — an Afterthought

Digital Natives with a Cause? —Workshop in Santiago — an Afterthought

Posted by Samuel Tettner at Feb 13, 2011 11:15 PM |

The Digital Natives had their third and final workshop in Santiago, Chile from 8 to 10 February 2011. Once again CIS and Hivos joined hands to organise the event. Samuel Tettner, Digital Natives Coordinator from CIS narrates his experiences from the workshop in this blog post.

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Spectrum auctions - 'Jhatka' or 'Halal'?

Posted by Shyam Ponappa at Feb 11, 2011 11:55 AM |
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The choice is between sudden death and a slow one. The article by Shyam Ponappa appeared in the Business Standard on 3 February 2011.

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Thomas Abraham's Rebuttal on Parallel Importation

Posted by Pranesh Prakash at Feb 10, 2011 08:55 PM |

We engaged in an e-mail conversation with Thomas Abraham, the managing director of Hachette India, on the issue of parallel importation of books into India. We thought it would be in the public interest to publish a substantive part of that conversation. In this post he points at great length how our arguments are faulty. While we still believe that he doesn't succeed, we hope this will clarify matters a bit.

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Open Letter to the Finance Committee: Finance and Security

Posted by Prasad Krishna at Feb 10, 2011 05:50 AM |
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This note explores the three connections between finance and security and demonstrates the cost implications of operating a centrally designed identity management system as proposed by the UID. In doing so, it shows how the monitoring, storing, and securing of transactional data in a centralized database fall short of meeting the project's objectives of authentication, and thus is an additional cost. Further, it is argued that the blanket monitoring of the transaction database is not an effective method of detecting fraud, and is an expensive component of the project.

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A FLASH of Change

A FLASH of Change

Posted by Prasad Krishna at Feb 09, 2011 12:00 PM |
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A fortnightly column on ‘Digital Natives’ authored by Nishant Shah is featured in the Sunday Eye, the national edition of Indian Express, Delhi, from September 2010 onwards. In this article published on February 6, 2011, Nishant Shah writes that citizens are organising, congregating, acting and thereby creating revolutions.

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Conference Report: 'Privacy Matters' Bangalore

Posted by Prasad Krishna at Feb 07, 2011 07:11 AM |

On February 5th the 'Privacy Matters" conference was held at the TERI Regional Center in Bangalore. The event was a full day and centered around issues of privacy including: privacy rights of minorities, privacy and open government data, and privacy and identity.

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Indian Law and "Parallel Exports"

Posted by Pranesh Prakash at Feb 01, 2011 05:05 AM |

Recently, a lawyer for the publishing industry made the claim that allowing for parallel importation would legally allow for the exports of low-priced edition. Here we present a legal rebuttal of that claim.

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E-Governance Interoperability Framework — Meeting in Iraq

Posted by Prasad Krishna at Jan 29, 2011 05:00 AM |
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A meeting to create a plan of action for the development of e-Governance Interoperability Framework (e-GIF) in Iraq and include formulation of an e-GIF policy and technical document within the larger framework of public sector modernization, was held from 25 to 27 January 2011. Sunil Abraham was the main resource person for this meeting.

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Analysing the Right to Privacy and Dignity with Respect to the UID

Posted by Deva Prasad at Jan 26, 2011 05:20 PM |

In the below note, Deva Prasad, LLM Candidate at NLSIU, explores the challenges that the UID project faces from a legal perspective.

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