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Open Secrets
We need to think of privacy in different ways — not only as something that happens between people, but between you and corporations.
National Resource Kit: The Delhi Chapter (Call for Comments)
The National Resource Kit team is pleased to bring you its research on the state of laws, policies and programmes for persons with disabilities in the state of Delhi.
Mapping Digital Media: Broadcasting, Journalism and Activism in India: A Public Consultation
Lawyers, researchers, journalists and activists gathered on Sunday, October 27, 2013 at the Bangalore International Centre in response to India’s country report on Mapping Digital Media, which examines citizen’s access to quality news and information across different industries, and impacts on media freedoms as a result of digitisation. Respondents examined themes related to regulation, journalism and activism, and engaging discussions took place among attendees.
National Resource Kit: The Madhya Pradesh Chapter (Call for Comments)
The National Resource Kit team is pleased to bring you its research on the state of laws, policies and programmes for persons with disabilities in the state of Madhya Pradesh.
National Resource Kit: The Arunachal Pradesh Chapter (Call for Comments)
The National Resource Kit team is pleased to bring you its research on the state of laws, policies and programmes for persons with disabilities in the state of Arunachal Pradesh.
National Resource Kit: The Daman & Diu Chapter (Call for Comments)
The National Resource Kit team is pleased to bring you its research on the state of laws, policies and programmes for persons with disabilities in the union territory of Daman and Diu.
Feedback on the Framework on OSS Adoption in E-Governance Systems
CIS gave its feedback to the Department of Electronics and Information Technology (DeitY) on the Framework on Open Source Software Adoption in E-Governance Systems on October 26, 2013.
Spy Files 3: WikiLeaks Sheds More Light On The Global Surveillance Industry
In this article, Maria Xynou looks at WikiLeaks' latest Spy Files and examines the legality of India's surveillance technologies, as well as their potential connection with India's Central Monitoring System (CMS) and implications on human rights.
The Fight for Digital Sovereignty
It is time to incorporate free software principles to address the issue of privacy. Thanks to the revelations of Edward Snowden, a former contractor to the United States (US) National Security Agency (NSA) who leaked secrets about the agency’s surveillance programmes, a 24-year-old movement aimed at protecting the rights of software users and developers has got some fresh attention from policymakers.
What India can Learn from the Snowden Revelations
Big Brother is watching, across cyberspace and international borders. Meanwhile, the Indian government has few safeguards in theory and fewer in practice. There’s no telling how prevalent or extensive Indian surveillance really is.
An Interview with Jacob Kohnstamm, Dutch Data Protection Authority and Chairman of the Article 29 Working Party
The Centre for Internet and Society interviewed Jacob Kohnstamm, Dutch Data Protection Authority and Chairman of the Article 29 Working Party.
Ambiguity in the App Store: Understanding India’s emerging IT sector in light of IP
Mobile applications hold immense potential for India but are not fully understood by even their own developers in the context of India’s intellectual property (IP) regime. This is the first in a series of blog posts introducing CIS's new access to knowledge research initiative that seeks to understand how stakeholders encounter India’s IP law and what this means for the mobile app ecosystem, and in turn, the Indian mobile user. This research also aims to address problematic policy areas for innovation and protection for developers, as well as to comment on India’s regime with respect to the emerging mobile app sector.
Interview with Dr. Alexander Dix - Berlin Data Protection and Freedom of Information Commissioner
Maria Xynou recently interviewed Berlin's Data Protection and Freedom of Information Commissioner: Dr. Alexander Dix. View this interview and gain an insight on recommendations for better data protection in India!
Open Letter to Members of the European Parliament of the Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs Committee
An open letter was sent to the Members of the European Parliament of the Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs Committee on the proposed EU Regulation. The letter was apart of an initiative that Privacy International and a number of other NGO's are undertaking.
Mobile Phone Patents: Prior Art Survey
In this blog post, Nehaa Chaudhari discusses a study on a portion of the patent landscape around mobile phone patents, commissioned by CIS earlier this year. This prior art search was undertaken by Rohan George of Samvad Partners, who worked as a Consultant with CIS.
Tweets from Bali IGF 2013
CIS is logging all tweets with the words "igf2013", "igf13", "igf", "bestbits", and "genderit" during the Intenet Governance Forum going on in the Bali this week, and making it available in downloadable files.
Accessibility of Banks and Financial Services Institutions: A Global Survey
The Global Initiative for Inclusive ICTs (G3ict), a non-profit initiative advocating digital inclusion for persons with disabilities, has launched a global survey called ‘Banking and Financial Services Accessibility Initiative’. The project aims to be a repository of information on the measures that banks, insurance companies and allied financial services firms are undertaking in order to make their offerings more accessible and user-friendly for persons with disabilities and senior citizens.
Interview with the Tactical Technology Collective on Privacy and Surveillance
The Centre for Internet and Society recently interviewed Anne Roth from the Tactical Technology Collective in Berlin. View this interview and gain an insight on why we should all "have something to hide"!
Interview with Bruce Schneier - Internationally Renowned Security Technologist
Maria Xynou recently interviewed Bruce Schneier on privacy and surveillance. View this interview and gain an insight on why we should all "have something to hide"!
CIS Cybersecurity Series (Part 11) - Anja Kovacs
CIS interviews Anja Kovacs, researcher and activist, and director of the Internet Democracy, Project as part of the Cybersecurity Series.