Centre for Internet & Society

Dataset of the first comprehensive and systematic analysis of 4,916 valid Statements of Working (Form 27) corresponding to 3,126 patents pertaining to mobile technology in India. Licensed CC-BY-SA 4.0.

The dataset has been released under the Creative Commons-Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 License (CC-BY-SA 4.0) as a part of the Pervasive Technologies project.

For the detailed methdology used for this study, refer to Methodology: Statements of Working (Form 27) of Indian Mobile Device Patents. For information on how to read this dataset, refer to the section "Detailed legend and process of logging the results" in the methodology.

A paper titled Patent Working Requirements and Complex Products: An Empirical Assessment of India's Form 27 Practice and Compliance authored by Prof. Jorge Contreras and Rohini Lakshané, published in July 2017 presents an analysis of the dataset.

The patents chosen to be included in this dataset are a subset of the patents found in another study by the same authors, Patents and Mobile Devices in India: An Empirical Survey [PDF]. The dataset for the patent landscaping study is available under the CC-BY-SA 4.0 license.

License terms

Data is provided AS-IS, without warranty as to accuracy or completeness.

All uses of the accompanying data and modifications and derivatives thereof must contain the following attribution: "Data provided by Jorge L. Contreras and Rohini Lakshané (2017)"

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