Platforms, Power, and Politics: Perspectives from Domestic and Care Work in India
Aayush Rathi, and Ambika Tandon
Jun 27, 2021
last modified
Jul 07, 2021 03:19 PM
filed under:
Digital Economy,
Researchers at Work,
RAW Research,
Digital Domestic Work
CIS has been undertaking a two-year project studying the entry of digital platforms in the domestic and care work in India, supported by the Association for Progressive Communications as part of the Feminist Internet Research Network. Implemented through 2019-21, the objective of the project is to use a feminist lens to critique platform modalities and orient platformisation dynamics in radically different, worker-first ways. Ambika Tandon and Aayush Rathi led the research team at CIS. The Domestic Workers’ Rights Union is a partner in the implementation of the project, as co-researchers. Geeta Menon, head of DWRU, was an advisor on the project, and the research team consisted of Parijatha G.P., Radha Keerthana, Zeenathunnisa, and Sumathi, who are office holders in the union and are responsible for organising workers and addressing their concerns.
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Plenary Talk at Jyothi Nivas College Research Symposium
Sneha PP
Oct 02, 2018
last modified
Oct 03, 2018 04:46 PM
filed under:
Researchers at Work
I gave a plenary presentation on new reading and writing practices in the digital context, and emerging questions for digital humanities and literary studies at a research symposium organised by Jyothi Nivas College, Post Graduate Centre, on September 28, 2018.
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Policy Shaping in the Indian IT Industry: Comparative Analysis of Recommendations by NASSCOM and iSPIRT, 2013-2016
Pavishka Mittal
Jul 04, 2016
last modified
Jul 04, 2016 09:34 AM
filed under:
Network Economies,
Industrial Policy,
Researchers at Work
This is the second of a series of three blog posts, authored by Pavishka Mittal, tracking the engagements by NASSCOM and iSPIRT in suggesting and shaping the IT industry policies in India during 2006-2016. This post conducts a detailed comparative analysis of NASSCOM’s and iSPIRT’s specific policy recommendations from 2013-2016. To facilitate comparison, the blog post is written thematically on the lines of major issues highlighted by market players in the IT industry.
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Policy Shaping in the Indian IT Industry: Recommendations by NASSCOM on Transfer Pricing, 2014-2016
Pavishka Mittal
Jul 29, 2016
last modified
Jul 29, 2016 08:39 AM
filed under:
Transfer Pricing Policy,
Network Economies,
Industrial Policy,
Researchers at Work
This is the final part of a series of three blog posts, authored by Pavishka Mittal, tracking the engagements by NASSCOM and iSPIRT in suggesting and shaping the IT industry policies in India during 2006-2016. This post aims to explain the law of transfer pricing in India, and the suggestions made by NASSCOM regarding the same. Transfer pricing is regarded as one of the most controversial operations of multinationals resulting in tax avoidance and arbitrage.
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Policy Shaping in the Indian IT Industry: Recommendations by NASSCOM, 2006-2012
Pavishka Mittal
Jul 01, 2016
last modified
Jul 04, 2016 08:11 AM
filed under:
Special Economic Zones,
Transfer Pricing Policy,
Network Economies,
Industrial Policy,
Researchers at Work,
Information Technology
This is the first of a series of three blog posts, authored by Pavishka Mittal, tracking the engagements by NASSCOM and iSPIRT in suggesting and shaping the IT industry policies in India during 2006-2016. This posts focuses on the policy activities of NASSCOM in 2006-2012 with specific reference to Special Economic Zones, E-Commerce Industry and Transfer Pricing, along with a few other miscellaneous important recommendations.
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Porn: Law, Video, Technology
Namita A Malhotra
Sep 28, 2011
last modified
Apr 14, 2015 12:43 PM
filed under:
Researchers at Work,
Histories of Internet,
RAW Publications,
Namita Malhotra’s monograph on Pornography and Pleasure is possibly the first Indian reflection and review of its kind. It draws aside the purdah that pornography has become – the forbidden object as well as the thing that prevents you from looking at it – and fingers its constituent threads and textures.
Located in
Histories of the Internet
Practicing Feminist Principles
Ambika Tandon
Dec 07, 2021
filed under:
Gender, Welfare, and Privacy,
Researchers at Work,
Artificial Intelligence
AI can serve to challenge social inequality and dismantle structures of power.
Located in
Presentation at Global Digital Humanities Symposium
Puthiya Purayil Sneha
Mar 22, 2019
last modified
May 03, 2019 09:41 AM
filed under:
Researchers at Work
P.P. Sneha gave a virtual presentation of her work on digital cultural archives at the Global Digital Humanities Symposium organised by Michigan State University on March 21-22, 2019.
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Procurement Through Digital Platforms
SEWA Cooperative Federation and Centre for Internet & Society
Jul 26, 2022
filed under:
Researchers at Work,
RAW Blog
Procurement policies, both public and private, can play a significant role in determining inclusive market participation, particularly for informal women workers and their collective enterprises.
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Production Sprint — A Public Exhibition at CIS
Prasad Krishna
Jun 03, 2014
last modified
Oct 24, 2015 02:23 PM
filed under:
RAW Events,
Making Change,
Net Cultures,
Researchers at Work,
The Making Change project invites you for a public exhibition of stories of change from all over Asia, where the first of its Production Sprints will take place. The exhibition will be held at the Centre for Internet and Society (CIS) office in Bangalore on June 7, 2014 between 5 p.m. and 7 p.m.
Located in
Digital Natives