Arguments Against Software Patents in India
Pranesh Prakash
Feb 22, 2010
last modified
Mar 13, 2012 10:43 AM
filed under:
Open Standards,
Access to Knowledge,
Software Patents,
Intellectual Property Rights,
CIS believes that software patents are harmful for the software industry and for consumers. In this post, Pranesh Prakash looks at the philosophical, legal and practical reasons for holding such a position in India. This is a slightly modified version of a presentation made by Pranesh Prakash at the iTechLaw conference in Bangalore on February 5, 2010, as part of a panel discussing software patents in India, the United States, and the European Union.
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Access to Knowledge
Time Out Bengaluru - Software Patenting
Pranesh Prakash
Jan 11, 2010
last modified
Jan 16, 2013 06:39 AM
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Software Patents,
Access to Knowledge
An article by Akhila Seetharaman published as a precursor to the national public meeting on software patents held on 4th in Bangalore.
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News & Media
World Day Against Software Patents
Pranesh Prakash
Jan 10, 2010
last modified
Jan 16, 2013 07:15 AM
filed under:
Software Patents,
Access to Knowledge
A global coalition of more than 80 software companies, associations and developers has declared the 24th of September to be the "World Day Against Software Patents". The Hindu, a national daily dedicated one page of its Bangalore edition to software patents and software freedom. Deepa Kurup contributed written two articles titled "Will patenting take the byte out of IT here?" and "How would it be if you read only one type of book?" which reflects some of the concerns of the Free/Libre/Open Source Software community.
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News & Media
Second Response to Draft National Policy on Open Standards for e-Governance
Pranesh Prakash
Jul 07, 2009
last modified
Jul 07, 2009 04:49 PM
filed under:
Open Standards,
Public Accountability,
Software Patents
Another draft (labelled "version 2", dated May 26, 2009) of the draft national policy on open standards for e-governance was made available to Fosscomm, while many software companies were speaking out against NASSCOM's position on the policy. CIS drafted a second response addressing both the allegations against NASSCOM as well as the few shortcomings we perceive in the draft policy.
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Open Standards
Lecture by Eben Moglen and Mishi Choudhary
Pranesh Prakash
Dec 13, 2008
last modified
Aug 23, 2011 02:55 AM
filed under:
Intellectual Property Rights,
Software Patents,
Access to Knowledge
The Software Freedom Law Center, National Law School, and the Centre for Internet and Society organised a lecture by Mishi Choudhary and Eben Moglen for students of NLS on Saturday, December 13, 2008.
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Access to Knowledge
The National Public Meeting on Software Patents
Pranesh Prakash
Oct 04, 2008
last modified
Aug 23, 2011 03:02 AM
filed under:
Software Patents,
On Saturday, October 4, 2008, the Centre for Internet and Society, with the support of eighteen other organization, held a meeting on the National Public Meeting on Software Patents in the United Theological College campus. The aim of the event was to explore various issues surrounding software patents, especially from the perspective of the draft Patent Manual.
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