The Attention Economy - A Brief Introduction
Prasad Krishna
Jul 22, 2010
last modified
Apr 03, 2015 10:48 AM
filed under:
Gaming Economy,
Internet Histories,
Histories of Internet,
Researchers at Work
This post examines attention economy as a brief prelude to a paper and monograph to be published on it. It examines the current theses on attention economy and a few approaches to reading attention economy in gaming besides foregrounding the attention economy and its functions and influence in MMORPGs.
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Gaming and Gold
Re:wiring Bodies: Call for Review
Nishant Shah
Dec 17, 2009
last modified
Apr 03, 2015 10:50 AM
filed under:
Histories of Internet,
Researchers at Work,
Internet Histories
Dr. Asha Achuthan's research project on "Rewiring Bodies" is a part of the Researchers @ Work Programme at the Centre for Internet and Society, Bangalore. From her vantage position, straddling the disciplines of medicine an Cultural Studies, through a gendered perspective. Dr. Achutan historicises the attitudes, imaginations and policies that have shaped the Science-Technology debates in India, to particularly address the ways in which emergence of Internet Technologies have shaped notions of gender and body in India.
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Re:Wiring Bodies
Rethinking the last mile Problem: A cultural argument
Nishant Shah
Sep 02, 2009
last modified
Apr 03, 2015 10:54 AM
filed under:
Histories of Internet,
Researchers at Work,
Internet Histories,
Digital Governance
This research project, by Ashish Rajadhyaksha from the Centre for the Study of Culture and Society, is mainly a conceptual-archival investigation into India’s history for what has in recent years come to be known as the ‘last mile’ problem. The term itself comes from communication theory, with in turn an ancestry in social anthropology, and concerns itself with (1) identifying the eventual recipient/beneficiary of any communication message, (2) discovering new ways by which messages can be delivered intact, i.e. without either distortion of decay. Exploring the intersection of government policy, technology intervention and the users' expectations, with a specific focus on Internet Technologies and their space in the good governance protocols in India, the project aims at revisiting the last mile problem as one of cultural practices and political contexts in India.
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The Last Cultural Mile
Archives and Access: Introduction
Aparna Balachandran
Dec 11, 2008
last modified
Apr 24, 2015 12:05 PM
filed under:
Histories of Internet,
Researchers at Work,
The members of this research project team are Aparna Balachandran and Rochelle Pinto from the Centre for the Study of Culture and Society, Bangalore and Abhijit Bhattacharya from the Centre for the Study of Social Sciences, Calcutta. This intial post tries to outline the concerns underlining this project which will attempt to critically examine archiving practices and policies in India in order to conceptualize ideas about ownership and use towards the goal of the greatest public good; reflect on issues of digitization and access; and facilitate public conversations and the articulation of a collective voice by historians and other users on possible interventions in these institutions.
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We, the Cyborgs: Challenges for the Future of being Human