Journey to and from Digital
Joseph Francis
Feb 10, 2012
last modified
Mar 14, 2012 08:38 AM
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Digital Natives
A young man gets ready to start his day: switching on his cable box, checking his Blackberry, listening to music, and microwaving his food. As he leaves, he turns on his iPod and sends a text message via his cell phone. Waiting for the train, he responds to emails and posts to Facebook. He sends a tweet and then gets to work. All day answering emails and phone calls while staring at a computer screen. Finally he ends his work day only to stare at a digital screen for train arrivals. Inside the train, he once again begins sending messages and tweets. Once he gets to his destination, he is told by an attractive woman to “unplug” and be with her. The End. Credits roll.
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Digital Natives
Video Contest
Essay Review: Digital AlterNatives with a Cause
Prasad Krishna
Feb 10, 2012
last modified
Feb 10, 2012 05:53 AM
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Event Type,
Digital Natives
Hivos and the Centre for Internet & Society (CIS) are pleased to announce the monthly essay review event. It starts from the midnight of February 17 and ends on the midnight of February 26. Hurry! Pick any essay from the four book collective of Digital AlterNatives with a Cause? and send us your reviews.
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Digital Natives
Big Stories, Small Towns
Martin Potter
Feb 09, 2012
last modified
Apr 04, 2012 09:44 AM
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Digital Natives
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Digital Natives
Video Contest
Alternative Approaches to Social Change
Prasad Krishna
Jan 30, 2012
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Digital Natives
Review of Maesy Angelina’s essay, "Digital Natives’ Alternative Approach to Social Change", in Digital Alternatives with a Cause Book 2: To Think, pp.64-76 by Nuraini Juliastuti.
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Digital Natives
Media Coverage & Reviews
Tweet a Review of Digital AlterNatives with a Cause Books
Prasad Krishna
Jan 07, 2012
last modified
Jan 07, 2012 02:42 PM
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Event Type,
Digital Natives
Essays from 'Digital AlterNatives with a Cause?' books are getting reviewed. We invite everyone to participate in this book review event! Deadline: January 31
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Digital Natives
Digital Art
Prasad Krishna
last modified
Jan 03, 2012 09:25 AM
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Digital Natives
Newsletter, volume 9, issue 1 from the Digital Natives community.
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Digital Natives
The Digital Classroom: Social Justice and Pedagogy
Nishant Shah
Dec 23, 2011
last modified
May 08, 2015 12:36 PM
filed under:
Higher Education,
Access to Knowledge,
Digital Natives,
New Pedagogies,
Researchers at Work,
Digital Pluralism
What happens when we look at the classroom as a space of social justice? What are the ways in which students can be engaged in learning beyond rote memorisation? What innovative methods can be evolved to make students stakeholders in their learning process? These were some of the questions that were thrown up and discussed at the 2 day Faculty Training workshop for participant from colleges included in the Pathways to Higher Education programme, supported by Ford Foundation and collaboratively executed by the Higher Education Innovation and Research Application and the Centre for Internet and Society, Bangalore.
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Digital Natives
Pathways to Higher Education
Unpacking Digital Natives from their Shiny Packaging
Prasad Krishna
Dec 19, 2011
last modified
Dec 25, 2011 05:04 AM
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Digital Natives
The ‘Digital natives’ concept is neither necessarily nor inherently positive, as YiPing Tsou highlights in her article Digital Natives in the Name of a Cause: From "Flash Mob" to "Human Flesh Search". The essay was published in the Digital AlterNatives with a Cause? Book 2, To Think. Argyri Panezi reviews the essay.
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Digital Natives
On Natives, Norms and Knowledge
Prasad Krishna
Dec 16, 2011
last modified
Dec 23, 2011 04:40 AM
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Digital Natives
Philip Ketzel reviews Ben Wagner's essay "Natives, Norms and Knowledge: How Information Technologies Recalibrate Social & Political Power Relations Communications" published in Book 4: To Connect.
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Digital Natives
Digital Native: Twin Manifestations or Co-Located Hybrids
Prasad Krishna
Dec 15, 2011
last modified
Dec 23, 2011 04:36 AM
filed under:
Digital Natives
Samuel Tettner reviews ‘Digital Natives and the Return of the Local Cause’ from Book 1: To Be. The essay is authored by Anat Ben-David.
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Digital Natives