Centre for Internet & Society

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Blog Entry Patent Working Requirements and Complex Products
by Jorge L. Contreras, Rohini Lakshané and Paxton M. Lewis published Jan 18, 2018 last modified Jan 23, 2018 03:09 PM — filed under: ,
The paper titled "Patent Working Requirements and Complex Products" has been published in the latest issue of the NYU Journal of Intellectual Property and Entertainment Law. It is one of the outputs of the Pervasive Technology project and has been authored by Prof. Jorge L. Contreras, Paxton M. Lewis, and Rohini Lakshané.
Located in Access to Knowledge / Blogs
Blog Entry Patent Working Requirements and Complex Products: An Empirical Assessment of India's Form 27 Practice and Compliance
by Rohini Lakshané published Jul 17, 2017 last modified Oct 13, 2017 04:32 AM — filed under: , ,
India requires every patentee to file an annual statement, also known as “Form 27”, describing the working of each of its issued Indian patents. If a patent is not locally worked within three years of its issuance, any person may request a compulsory license, and if the patent is not adequately worked within two years of the grant of such a compulsory license, it may be revoked. The research paper on Form 27 practices and compliance by patentees authored by Prof Jorge L. Contreras, University of Utah, and Rohini Lakshané, Centre for Internet and Society has been accepted for publication in the NYU Journal of Intellectual Property and Entertainment Law.
Located in Access to Knowledge / Blogs
Blog Entry Patented Games
by Sunil Abraham published Mar 08, 2012 — filed under: ,
Some prefer Steve Jobs, patron saint of perfection, others prefer Nicholas Negroponte, messiah of the masses. While Mr Jobs may be guilty of contributing to the digital divide, Mr Negroponte may have contributed to bridging it with his innovation: the One Laptop Per Child, also known as the $100 laptop or XO. Sunil Abraham's column was published in the Economic Times on 8 March 2012.
Located in Access to Knowledge
Blog Entry Patents and Mobile Devices in India: An Empirical Survey
by Rohini Lakshané published Mar 31, 2016 last modified Mar 29, 2017 04:03 AM — filed under: , ,
Though India has the second-largest wireless subscriber base in the world, with more than 150 mobile device vendors, it has, until recently, remained relatively unaffected by the global smartphone wars. Over the past three years, however, a growing number of patent enforcement actions have been brought by multinational firms against domestic Indian producers. These actions, which have largely resulted in judgments favoring foreign patent holders, have given rise to a variety of proposals for addressing this situation.
Located in Access to Knowledge / Blogs
Blog Entry Patterns of Gender Aggression and Harassment in Open Tech and Open Culture Communities Online
by Rohini Lakshané published Apr 13, 2015 last modified Jun 01, 2015 02:13 AM — filed under: , , ,
Report on the talk delivered by me at Adacamp held in Montreal, Canada on April 13-14, 2015.
Located in Openness / Blog
Blog Entry Pervasive Mobile Technologies: Meet Our Mobile Devices!
by Jadine Lannon published Nov 23, 2012 last modified Dec 21, 2012 07:48 AM — filed under: , ,
As a part of the Pervasive Technologies: Access to Knowledge in the Marketplace research project, the Centre for Internet & Society (CIS) is researching 12 mobile phone devices to generate a better understanding of the intellectual property (IP) implications of pervasive mobile technologies available in the Indian market. This post is an introduction to our 12 mobile phones.
Located in Access to Knowledge / Blogs
Pervasive Technologies Project in Hong Kong
by Prasad Krishna published Mar 20, 2017 — filed under: ,
Digital Asia Hub and the United Nations University Institute on Computing and Society (UNU-CS) held a new networking initiative. Digital Asia Hub and the United Nations University Institute on Computing and Society co-hosted a series of events aimed at fostering engagement and knowledge sharing at the intersection of technology, society, law, policy and international development.
Located in Access to Knowledge / News & Media
Blog Entry Pervasive Technologies Project Presentations at the 4th Global Congress, 2015
by Nehaa Chaudhari published Jan 20, 2016 last modified Jan 21, 2016 04:33 PM — filed under: , ,
These are the presentations made by the members of the PT Project team at the 4th Global Congress on Intellectual Property and the Public Interest, 2015 at National Law University, New Delhi.
Located in Access to Knowledge / Blogs
by Nehaa Chaudhari published Nov 25, 2014 last modified Oct 04, 2015 02:51 AM — filed under: , ,
This blog post is the research methodology for my research paper under the Pervasive Technologies Project. This is a work in progress and is likely to be modified from time to time.
Located in Access to Knowledge / Blogs
Blog Entry Pervasive Technologies Project Working Document Series: Document 2 Literature Review on Competition Law + IPR + Access to < $100 Mobile Devices
by Amulya Purushothama and Nehaa Chaudhari published Jan 01, 2015 last modified Sep 03, 2015 02:02 AM — filed under: ,
This note is the second document in the series of Working Documents that I will be creating for my research under the Pervasive Technologies: Access to Knowledge in the Marketplace (“PT Project”).
Located in Access to Knowledge / Blogs