Centre for Internet & Society

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Blog Entry The Rules of Engagement
by Nishant Shah published Oct 29, 2012 last modified Apr 24, 2015 11:48 AM — filed under: , , ,
Why the have-nots of the digital world can sometimes be mistaken as trolls. I am not sure if you have noticed, but lately, the people populating our social networks have started to be more diverse than before.
Located in Digital Natives / Blog
Blog Entry Habits of Living: Being Human in a Networked Society
by Nishant Shah published Oct 23, 2012 — filed under: ,
Recently, in Bangalore, a cluster of academics, researchers, artists, and practitioners, were supported by Brown University, to assemble in a Thinkathon (a thinking marathon, if you will) and explore how our new habits of everyday life need to be re-thought and refigured to produce new accounts of what it means to be human, to be friends, and to be connected in our networked societies.
Located in RAW / / Blogs / Habits of Living
Blog Entry Digital Habits: How and Why We Tweet, Share and Like
by Nishant Shah published Oct 23, 2012 last modified Oct 23, 2012 10:13 AM — filed under: ,
There aren’t always rational explanations for the ways in which we behave on networks. While there are trend spotting sciences and pattern recognition methods which try to make sense of how and why we behave in these strange ways on networks, they generally fail to actually help us understand why we do the things that we do when we are connected.
Located in RAW / / Blogs / Habits of Living
Blog Entry Who’s that Friend?
by Nishant Shah published Oct 23, 2012 last modified Nov 04, 2012 06:46 AM — filed under: ,
If you are reading this, stand on your right foot and start hopping while waving your hands in the air and shouting, “I am crazy” at the top of your voice. If you don’t, your Facebook account will be compromised, your passwords will be automatically leaked, and somebody will use your credit card to smuggle ice across international waters.
Located in RAW / / Blogs / Habits of Living
Blog Entry One. Zero.
by Nishant Shah published Sep 17, 2012 last modified Apr 24, 2015 11:50 AM — filed under: , ,
The digital world is the world of twos. All our complex interactions, emotional negotiations, business transactions, social communication and political subscriptions online can be reduced to a string of 1s and 0s, as machines create the networks for the human beings to speak. So sophisticated is this network of digital infrastructure that we forget how our languages of connection are constantly being transcribed in binary code, allowing for the information to be transmitted across the web.
Located in Digital Natives
Blog Entry Social media, SMS are not why NE students left Bangalore
by Nishant Shah published Aug 25, 2012 last modified Aug 28, 2012 10:48 AM — filed under: , , ,
I woke up one morning to find that I was living in a city of crisis. Bangalore, where the largest public preoccupations to date have been about bad roads, stray dogs, and occasionally, the lack of night-life, the city was suddenly a space that people wanted to flee and occupy simultaneously.
Located in Internet Governance
Blog Entry What lurks beneath the Network
by Nishant Shah published Aug 25, 2012 — filed under: , , ,
There is a series of buzzwords that have become a naturalised part of discussions around digital social media—participation, collaboration, peer-2-peer, mobilisation, etc. Especially in the post Arab Spring world (and our own home-grown Anna Hazare spectacles), there is this increasing belief in the innate possibilities of social media as providing ways by which the world as we know it shall change for the better. Young people are getting on to the streets and demanding their rights to the future.
Located in Internet Governance
Blog Entry Deconstructing Digital Natives: Young People, Technology and the New Literacies
by Nishant Shah published Jul 24, 2012 last modified Apr 24, 2015 11:51 AM — filed under: , , ,
Nishant Shah was invited to do a book review of a new anthology 'Deconstructing Digital Natives', edited by Michael Thomas. The review was published in Routledge's Journal of Children and Media on July 18, 2012.
Located in Digital Natives
Blog Entry Internet Censorship: Anonymous Can’t be Just Harmful Hackers
by Nishant Shah published Jul 13, 2012 last modified Aug 06, 2012 06:56 AM — filed under: ,
If there was ever an interesting time for people concerned with freedom of speech and expression to live in, it is now, and it is definitely in India. It has been a series of battles the last couple of years, where a slightly out-dated government machinery has been trying to control and contain the burgeoning online spaces, only to be put in their place by the new-age tech-ninjas that have risen as the new heroes in our digital times.
Located in Internet Governance
Blog Entry Revisiting Techno-euphoria
by Nishant Shah published Jul 11, 2012 last modified Apr 24, 2015 11:53 AM — filed under: , ,
In my last post, I talked about techno-euphoria as a condition that seems to mark much of our discourse around digital technologies and the promise of the future. The euphoria, as I had suggested, manifests itself either as a utopian view of how digital technologies are going to change the future that we inhabit, or woes of despair about how the overdetermination of the digital is killing the very fibre of our social fabric.
Located in Digital Natives