National Koha Conclave
Informatics Publishing organized an event at Fortune Park JP Celestial in Bangalore on February 17, 2016. Sunil Abraham delivered the inaugural address on the occasion.
For more info on the event see this page.
Informatics Publishing organized an event at Fortune Park JP Celestial in Bangalore on February 17, 2016. Sunil Abraham delivered the inaugural address on the occasion.
For more info on the event see this page.
May 22, 2019
Feb 28, 2019
May 23, 2018
Mar 22, 2018
Feb 12, 2018
Jul 04, 2019
Feb 28, 2019
Apr 20, 2017
Apr 04, 2016
Dec 15, 2015
Bengaluru: #32, 1st Floor, 2nd Block, Austin Town, Viveka Nagar, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560047.
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We invite researchers, practitioners, artists, and theoreticians, both organisationally and as individuals, to engage with us on topics related internet and society, and improve our collective understanding of this field. To discuss such possibilities, please write to us at communications[at]cis-india[dot]org with an indication of the form and the content of the collaboration you might be interested in.
In general, we offer financial support for collaborative/invited works only through public calls.
The Centre for Internet and Society (CIS) is a non-profit organisation that undertakes interdisciplinary research on internet and digital technologies from policy and academic perspectives. The areas of focus include digital accessibility for persons with disabilities, access to knowledge, intellectual property rights, openness (including open data, free and open source software, open standards, open access, open educational resources, and open video), internet governance, telecommunication reform, digital privacy, and cyber-security. The research at CIS seeks to understand the reconfiguration of social processes and structures through the internet and digital media technologies, and vice versa.
Through its diverse initiatives, CIS explores, intervenes in, and advances contemporary discourse and regulatory practices around internet, technology, and society in India, and elsewhere.
© Centre for Internet & Society
Unless otherwise specified, content licensed under Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported.